We’ve combined the innovative ideas of Icing Images ® and SugarVeil ® products to demonstrate the possibilities they can bring to cake design. This Eiffel Tower cake, fit for a Parisian-themed wedding, is just one example of how easy-to-use products can transform a simple cake into an elegant, professional design.
As seen in Cake Central Magazine Volume 1, Issue 7.
Step 1
Prepare Sugar Veil according to the packaged directions.

Step 2
Grease your SugarVeil ® Lace Mat and using a confectionary spreader, spread the sugar veil over the lace mat from top to bottom, left to right, and then diagonally. Let sit overnight. Repeat this step for desired amount of lace.

Step 3
Once the lace is dry, remove from the mat and cut into desired shapes.
Step 4
Using graphic design software, create the images you would like to impress on your cake with Icing Images ©. We used a 10-inch-by-6-inch toile-patterned Eiffel Tower, 2 sheets of toile pattern used for swags, and 1 sheet of a fleur de lis pattern to be used for medallions and dressing the board. You can use stock images to find the image you’d like to use, as they are license-free and high-resolution.
Step 5
Print your images.

Step 6
Rub a sparse amount of shortening to the cake where you will be applying the Eiffel Tower.

Step 7
Cut the Eiffel Tower image into 3 equal sections.
Step 8
Trim the Eiffel Tower so the cutout is clean and free of excess paper.

Step 9
Apply the Eiffel Tower cutout to the area of the cake to which you’ve applied shortening.

Step 10
Mark your cake every 3 inches where you will attach the swags.

Step 11
Apply your SugarVeil ® lace pieces onto the cake on the markings. Repeat around all 3 tiers.

Step 12
Roll a piece of fondant ⅛ inch thick, and rub a small amount of shortening on it to cover the whole surface. Apply the toile pattern to the fondant.

Step 13
Using a very sharp craft knife or pizza cutter, cut the imaged fondant into 2-inch-by-three-inch strips.

Step 14
Lay a strip over skewers or dowels, and use your fingers to smooth over the dowels to create ridges. Make sure to smooth lightly so as not to smudge the image.

Step 15
Pinch both ends, and using piping gel apply the swag onto the cake, laying over a lace swag. Trim the excess with a palette knife. Repeat steps 14 and 15 until every tier is complete with swags.

Step 16
Using scissors, cut out each fleur de lis individually.
Step 17
Apply a thin layer of shortening on a cake board, and apply the fleur de lis around the cake board in desired pattern.

Step 18
Roll fondant ¼ inch thick, apply a thin layer of shortening, and using a circle or oval cutter, cut out circles. Repeat until you have enough to cover the meeting points of each swag.

Step 19
Apply a cut-out fleur de lis to each medallion. Using piping gel, attach the medallions to cover the meeting points of each swag.

Store your Icing Images in airtight containers away from sunlight until ready to use. If necessary, trim your Icing Images using scissors. Store Sugar Veil between 2 sheets of parchment paper in a food storage bag away from sunlight. Use the highest quality inks and icing sheets to ensure minimal tearing and/or smudging.

Templates used in the Eiffel Tower Cake Tutorial
Very neat! Do you have to have a special printer to do this or just icing paper? Is the ink an eatable ink? And where can I buy sugar veil? This is all so new to me but awesome! I would love to try it all!
Great questions. YES, you absolutely need an edible image printer, not just a regular printer. The printer is actually a high quality inkjet printer, but has never been used for non-food printing and uses special edible ink cartridges.
Here is a video that covers the basics of edible printing: http://cakecentral.com/b/tutorial/edible-printing-101
You can get Sugarveil and lace mats here: http://www.globalsugarart.com/search.php?q=sugarviel#/?q=sugarveil&page=1
Good luck with your project, let me know if you have any questions and remember to post your pictures!
Hi! Just want to ask what do you use to grease your sugar veil mat? Ive got the mat, tried using it twice but failed...so i was thinking maybe i need to grease it with something..but too afraid to try since the powder is a bit expensive....please....thanks!!!!!!
every time I tried to get the templates.........I got an error page!!!!!!!!
The templates should be working again!