Seamus The Leprechaun
For the week that’s in it: Happy St. Patrick’s Day, folks Seamus is made from Belgian Chocolate Mud Cake and Rice Krispie Treat and stands 45cm tall. The carved cake is pretty much the torso. His legs, head and hat are RKT. While the hat and legs are covered in sugarpaste, the covering and facial features are modelled from a 1:1 blend of Saracino modelling paste and Vera Miklas’ modelling chocolate. His hands and ears are also modelling chocolate.

Let It Snow!
My Christmas Cake 2015. The bottom tier is a blatant copy of the wonderful original design by Claudia at La Torta Perfetta. I loved her relief bas so much, I just had to use it on my Christmas cake for this year. That girl is a genius. The second tier features a hand painted view of a wintery scene. And the little houses on top are made from wafer card, glued together with piping gel and decorated with royal icing.

Bold Autumn
My daughter’s surprise birthday cake. I mixed a custom lustre to paint the top tier and since I always seem to run out of time with all the other party preparations for my children’s birthday cakes, I ‘upcycled’ a wafer peony I had left from a class I taught during the summer. The bottom tier was airbrushed with a number of handcut laminated stencils.

Enchanted Evening
This wedding cake received Gold and Best in Class (wedding cake Open) at the Irish Sugarcraft Show 2015 in Cork which was judged by a team of 8 judges from the British Sugarcraft Guild. With over 220 cake entries in 21 categories this is the biggest annual event here in Ireland. The cake was inspired by the artwork of Donegal based Irish artist Sharon McDaid, whose work I've been admiring for years. The biggest challenge was to create the misty depth of the second tier. Techniques used: Airbrushing, stencilling, royal icing piping scratching, hand painting, modelling.

Lego Emmet
I was under strict instructions by my nephew for this cake: Had to have Emmet, absolutely no crosses or other religious symbols and needed to be very colourful. Here is the final result. Emmet was carved in three parts from RTK and stood about 20cm tall. the biggest struggle was to cover the RTK with nice straight/sharp edges. The Lego font of the nameplaque was handcut and for the lego bricks I made my own moulds from Silli.Creations putty.

Babushka Nesting Doll Cake
My first ever carved cake. You gotta start sometimes (and small) ;-) She stood about 30cm tall and had no internal supports since I figured the generous amount of chocolate ganache around the outside would keep her in shape just fine. I love the bold colour combination of pink and orange.

Fantasy Ricepaper Flowers Adorn This Double Barrel Chocolate Mud Cake I Was Delighted When I Discovered That My Quatrefoil Cutters From Not
Fantasy ricepaper flowers adorn this double barrel chocolate mud cake. I was delighted when I discovered that my quatrefoil cutters from NotJustCakes by Annie fit the Designer Stencil Company’s Quatrefoil stencil perfectly :-)

Inspired By Greystones Land- And Seascape
This cake was inspired by the land- and seascape of my local Greystones/Ireland. With the top tier featuring a gumpaste blackberry spray (which you can find in abundance along he cliffwalks these days), handpainted/airbrushed heather and gorse. The bottom tier is featuring the beach with its many a pebbles.

'the Fairy Brat' Inspired By An Amy Brown Drawing
Fairy is modelled from gumpaste and can be removed from cake and kept as a keepsake. Woodland tree stump and board airbrushed and then finished with gumpaste mushrooms, ferns and flowers and gumpaste/piped floxgloves (inspired by the wonderful work of Steel Penny Cakes)

A Bicycle Ride For Two
Very excited about my latest wedding cake. The bride and groom met over their mutual interest in cycling and wanted to incorporate that in the design of their cake. This is what became of ombre petal ruffles, bikes, lampposts and a 9 inch tall double barrel. The blue is repeated in the bridesmaid dresses and the grooms tie. Loved the challenge of pulling together the brides wish for romantic ruffles AND incorporating the bicycle.

Hand Painted Cherry Blossoms And Birdcage
This cake was hugely inspired by the work of Erin from Three Little Blackbirds (TLB Cakes). After watching her fabulous free mini class on Craftsy I went about to find a project to do. While researching cherry blossoms I came across a fantastic handpainted cherry blossom cake by Môn Cottage Cupcakes. When I contacted Nina to rave about her stunning cake, she sent me her handpainted cherry blossom tutorial. Even though I had done my cherry blossoms at this stage, I found many more fabulous tips in it.