
Andrea's Sweetcakes Sand Bucket Cake Tutorial In Cake Design France Magazine
I got published! Cake design France features a 4 page tutorial on how to create my sand bucket cake with starfish and shells. This is the full page ad I got in issue #3 advertising my tutorial in the next issue, issue #4. Copies now available.

To Celebrate Tim Burtons 55Th Birthday 100 Bakers From Around The Globe Came Together With Tracey Louise Rothwells Efforts Tracey Had A
To celebrate Tim Burton's 55th Birthday, 100 bakers from around the globe came together with Tracey Louise Rothwell's efforts. Tracey had a vision of greatness, she compiled 100 bakers, cake decorators, and sugar artists to make 100 unique sugar pieces of Tim Burton's most timeless characters. Tracey with the efforts of her Burtonesque minions, and bakers she set out to make a collage of Jack Skellington's face with all 100 pictures......whom I believe is Tim's most famous and recognizable character. She launched the website Cakenweenie with our final masterpiece for all to see, and appreciate.....including Tim Burton ; ) Check it out! http://bakers.cakenweenie.com/ Thanks to all that made this a reality......Tracey, and helpers! Stay Sweet! Andrea