Cake Decorator kiwigal81


kiwigal81's Cake Photos view more

  • 12 Little Monkeys Just fun for the kids, with a jersey caramel in the middle (and who woulda thought, they hated the caramels in there!). Thanks to...
  • I Give You My Heart. First time modeling animals. Or using RKT. BC (before cake) I would have looked at this and thought 'pppft, take ten mins...'. No...
  • First Wedding Cake My first wedding cake and second tiered cake. This was white almond cake on the bottom, vanilla cake middle, chocolate top. The additional...
  • Spartaaa This was my practice cake for the wedding cake I'm meant to be doing. The number of things that went wrong could fill a page, but so...
  • First Ri This was my hot day when everything melted. First play with RI for the flowers. Sorry for the awful BC, was trying to make it thick enough...
  • My First Big Cake/ First Time With Fondant/ First Gumpaste Flowers. This was my first cake in a big tin, I'll have to put more batter in. I learned lots with this cake (when torting, don't put your...
  • First Cupcakes. Hubby got me a little piping set for Christmas, this was the first chance I've had to have a play. Fun! My first rose was hexagonal,...
  • Christmas Cake - First Cake! My first cake, I had a while to ice it while spring cleaning, bought the icing, but I am totally, unreasonably pleased with this:)
  • First Cookies Emergency bake, 11pm ish, just wanted to include the pic for reference as I (hopefully) improve a lot!

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