
Twilight Saga
This cake was designed by the customer. She wanted this for her New Years Eve Birthday party. The apple represents the first book. The 2 sets of flowers(gumpaste) for the second book. The 3 freyed ribbons on the 3 tiers for the third book and the four chess pieces(fondant) to represent the fourth book. The Birthday girl wanted damask stencil on one of the tiers. She was thrilled that I was able to envision her cake and it turned out the way she pictured. I'm glad this one is over! It is very nerve racking when the person has every last detail designed out!!

Cardinals Baseball
This cake was for a deployment party for an airborne ranger. His wife gave me a description of what she wanted. My friend said there was a cake very similiar to this on tv, but I never got to see it. The base is 2 half sheet i carved. The baseball is cake with the mini ball pan. The hat was done with the ball pan and a 6"round. The glove was a carved 8" round. The bat and popcorn box was done in RKT. Lots of fun!

My First Wedding Cake
This was for a cousin's wedding. The bride picked out the shape of the cakes and had seen the vine and leaf work here at CC from tonedna's cake. Wedding colors were peridot green and light pink. This is 6", 9", 12", 15", hexagons on a 16" square with the side cakes being 9" hexagons. I learned alot and now know how looong one of these take:)

Tucker's Lightning Mcqueen
This was a chocolate cake I carved from a hexagon pan. I cut each side off the cake so I had a rectangle base left. I then stacked the cake I had just cut off of the rectangle piece. I stacked them so the three sides faced up to help form the shape of the roof, windshield, and rear window. Covered in MMF with some BC accents.

Disney Cars
Thank you for all the inspiration from all the car cakes here at CC! The bottom tier is MMF, The 2nd tier and top tier is BC with MMF accents. The road is Satin Ice. Since this was for a 2yr old I used toy cars, so he could drive them on his cake:) I also made a 3D Lighting Mcqueen to go with this cake! Fun to do!

This was made for a 9yr old girl who wanted a smore birthday cake. I used 8" squares for the graham cracker and 8" round for the marshmallow. The squares are covered in BC with crushed graham crackers, the round is covered in MMF that I toasted with a Brulee torch. Then I melted cocoa candy melts and added around the center. Lots of fun to make!

Picnic Basket
This is three 9x13 white cakes stacked and slight shaped on the ends. The customer requested a crafty/amish themed cake. I came up with the basket for the crafty part and the cookies ( baked goods) for the amish half. The basket handle was quite a headache! I broke the first one in two places! I made this one at the last minute, it doesn't match the color as well as the first but it served the purpose!