Cake Decorator kpk125


kpk125's Cake Photos view more

  • Ice Skating This is an 10" round covered in BC with fondant name, and topper. The ice skate is done with rkt covered in fondant.
  • Graduation Cap I made this for my niece's 8th grade graduation. This is a 10" round with a half ball pan for the bottom portion of the grad cap...
  • Hot Pink Grad Graduate gave me a pic of the cake she wanted. Thanks to whomever the designer is:) This is a 8" and 12" covered in BC with...
  • Hawaiian Luau 40Th Birthday I was asked to make a hawaiian cake incorporating the coconut monkey. I was inspired by several different cakes on CC and combined several...
  • Alamode Baby Rump This is a 10" round strawberry with a baby rump made from RKT from the ball pan. This matches the baby's bedding named Alamode.
  • Damask Birthday I did this cake for a cousin and all I was told was that she liked I had to give the damask stencil another try and l just love...
  • Hot Pink Wedding This cake was inspired by Fairytale's cake. All buttercream except for real ribbon used.
  • Spiderman This is a half sheet with the spiderman character pan done all in buttercream.
  • Twilight Saga This cake was designed by the customer. She wanted this for her New Years Eve Birthday party. The apple represents the first book. The 2...
  • My Second Wedding Cake This is a 6", 8", 10" round. Buttercream with fondant ribbon roses.
  • Cardinals Baseball This cake was for a deployment party for an airborne ranger. His wife gave me a description of what she wanted. My friend said there was a...
  • Skateboard Thank you to all the CC skateboards for the inspiration!! This is two 1/4 sheet cakes carved in the shape of a skateboard. I made the...
  • My First Wedding Cake This was for a cousin's wedding. The bride picked out the shape of the cakes and had seen the vine and leaf work here at CC from...

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