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The Professor has just completed the contruction of his steam -powered time machine and is about to go OTHERWHEN. Even he doesn't know what will happen next! This is pound cake , buttercream, fondant and gum paste.
This is a cake for a 3 year old whose big sister is starting school. The family is having a celebration to mark the event with a cake for the sister. I thought the little guy should have a cake too.
This was done for and end of year thank you for a school principle. Its white fondant with airbrushed color and hand painted tiger stripes. The tiger topper is rolled out fondant allowed to dry and was hand painted and airbrushed. The lettering reads 2008 tiger time 2009
This is fondant covered pound cake, except for the head hands and feet which are candy melts and the body is RTK and fondant. All the candy was cast in molds I made from original sculpts I did.
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