Cake Decorator GayeG


GayeG's Cake Photos view more

  • Flowers And Bugs! 10/6in Rainbowliscious Cake w/Mousse (Thanx MacsMom!) I am very dissapointed with how this turned out! I had a "audience" and was...
  • Fishin' With Family! 10in Chocolate Turtle Cake with Fudge and Caramel Pecan fillings -Hand-Painted Boat is RKT - everything else is fondant/gumpaste - I wish...
  • God's Greatest Gift .. 10in Chocolate Covered Strawberry (Thanks MacsMom!) with Fudge FillingI got the inspiration for this from a Birth announcement I saw years...
  • All Things Cars ... Except Cars =} Sugar Cookies w/Toba's Glace and Antonia's RII did these for a Saturn dealership - hence the Saturn Logo ~ Traffic Light,...
  • Big Purple Flower 4 Mal! 10in carved Rainbowlicious (Thanks MacsMom!) with Peanut Butter fillingAlthough I had a ton of probs w/this one .. Mallory was happy with...
  • Happy Mothers Day! Cinnamon Sugar cookies w/Antonia's RIFondant/Gumpaste accents w/a flower garden theme for Mothers Day dinner at DD Church - there are...
  • Mothers Day Cookies Cinnamon Sugar cookies w/Antonia's RIFondant/Gumpaste accents w/a flower garden theme for Mothers Day dinner at DD Church - there are...
  • Happy Mothers Day Cinnamon Sugar cookies w/Antonia's RIFondant/Gumpaste accents w/a flower garden theme for Mothers Day dinner at DD Church - there are...
  • Mothers Day Cookies! Cinnamon Sugar cookies w/Antonia's RIFondant/Gumpaste accents w/a flower garden theme for Mothers Day dinner at DD Church - there are...
  • Life's Just Ducky! 10in Strawberry Cake w/Strawberry Cheescake and Strawberry Puree fillingsFondant/Gumpaste boards and RKT Ducky. And the little green guy is...
  • Easter Cookies NFSC w/Antonia's RI - This small bouquet was fun to make with the little chick peeking out and the bunny peeking over - The Fondant (...
  • Happy Easter! Rainbowlicious Cake w/Mousse filling (Thanx Macsmom!) and Vanilla BC. I wanted to do a Easter cake that reminded me of the Christmas cards...
  • Spring Has Sprung! Vanilla WASC Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting - Fondant accents ..I used a mixture of Vanilla & Creme Bouquet - They smelled so good...

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