
Sweet 16!
This cake was due on the day that i found out I was going to miscarry. I had an unexpected ultrasound that morning at 11 weeks and I had to finish this dumb cake through my tears! Looking back, it was a good distraction, but it was one day I wish I had an employed decorator to back me up!!! I'm good now, by the way, all better, thank you!

Chocolate Dripped Disaster!
Okay, so it might not look like a disaster from this view, but it was! The cute bride had picked a spot in the sun (I should have nicely demanded shade!), and a drip of chocolate fell down! I went to tell her and as we were looking at the cake, a whole bunch of chocolate dripped off the cake! So the back became the front and I stuck flowers everywhere! She liked it after all! I didn't make the cupcakes.

Cowboy Hat Cake!
Gum paste rim, fondant hat. I always add cocoa powder to my brown fondant/gum paste, it helps color it and it's what you expect! The rim was...frustrating! I tried to add texture, but it didn't stick on the cake part. But, the next cowboy hat cake I make, I'll know what I'm doing! These people were referred to me by someone, and a previous bride was referred by these guys! Sweet!