
Naughty Puppies 1St Birthday Cake
I made this cake for my nephew's birthday today, but had been drawing a complete blank all week about how I was going to decorate it. Then I saw Aine2's playful pups on Thursday and was totally inspired (my nephew is mad about dogs!). My apologies Lorraine for the blatant copying of your puppies, but they were just adorable! I added an extra furry friend to go along with them and everyone - including my gorgeous nephew - loved them!

End Of Season Cake
A quick cake I made today for my MIL to take to work tomorrow. She works at a holiday place that closes up in the winter and asked me to make her a simple cake to take in for their last day. I'm not really one for 'simple', but this is what I came up with. It's an 8" Bailey's sponge, filled with Baileys IMBC.

Kitkat Barrel Cake
9" chocolate cake, wrapped in kitkats and topped with Smarties. Modelling paste figure of birthday boy and stars and '7's starburst spray. This cake is based on one done by Katherine Harris (katharry here on CC), I saw hers a while ago and having been looking for a chance to make it ever since - a really fun cake and the birthday boy loved it (what kid wouldn't love a cake covered in chocolate!)

Severed Fingers!
I made these with the left-over dough from my halloween cookies. They were so much fun and really quick to make! I'll definitely be making a big batch for our halloween party next week! I used jam to attach the almonds, making them 'bloody fingernails', and put a bit on the ends too for the 'bloody stumps'. Thanks to fiddlesticks for the instructions.

First Cookies, With Choc Clay
This is my first attempt at making cookies. I made these for my DD's pre-school class (they had their halloween party today). They are NFSC, covered with chocolate clay. I forgot to take pics until they were already bagged up and I was about to head out the door with them, so this is the best shot of have of them!

Dd's 4Th Birthday Cake
This is my DD's 4th birthday cake. She kept changing her mind, from Winnie the pooh, to My Little Pony and finally settled on a figure of herself! I also incoporated some of her favourite toys and her 3 favourite colours. It was a rush job as we only got back from a 2 week holiday, 2 days before her birthday, but she said she loved it! The cake is an 8" double chocolate cake with 3 layers of whipped ganache filling - white, milk and dark - yum!

Winnie The Pooh 1St Birthday Cake
This is the first cake I've made for someone I've never even met (it's being collected in a couple of hours), who is the sister of someone else I've made several cakes for. 10" chocolate cake, filled with IMBC and covered with fondant. Her request was for a cake with winnie and piglet figures on it - I hope she likes it! There's also a butterfly on the little girl's name, but you can't see it very well in the photo.

Fireman Sam And Fire Engine
I was asked to make a fire engine cake for a boy who loves Fireman Sam, so as I have the Debbie Brown book with instructions for just that, this is what I made. I think the adults got more of a kick out of it than he did - they're not used to seeing novelty cakes like this! It is 10" x 5" and 5" high, vanilla sponge cake, filled with alternate layers of IMBC and raspberrry jam (with the seeds removed!).