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fondant covered with bought wings and 'wand'
buttercream slab cake with a fondant jag--customer has been restoring this old car for many years and I tried to replicatie it in a cake
NFSC with rolled buttercream and poured cookie icing for details.
NFSC with rolled buttercream
all buttercream with fondant accents
butterceam with fondant details
buttercream with fondant details
all buttercream with fondant details
12" inch cake, all buttercream with royal icing numbers and 'wire'...
10", all buttercream with fondant details....a very last minute order...
I copied one of Di's Cakery cakes...i love her colour choices and designs--great inspiration. All buttercream chocolate and fr vanilla with raspberry cream.
a cookie bouquet for a girl at work about to go on mat leave. Sugar cookies with the wilton poured cookie icing recipe.
I made these cookies for my friends birthday party--she loves pretty undies! These were alot of fun and I have to thank the great decorators on this site for their wonderful ideas.
all buttercream bear with a fondant 'dress'...the 8" round is fondant covered with frondant details
all buttercream with Bratz FBCT
buttercream covered with ivory fondant and then white buttercream scrolls, the roses are real (they were a bit too big and the photo makes them look even bigger)
all buttercream cake
This was for a customer and her daughters first birthday. All buttercream with fondant flowers and colour flow butterflies (bought curly ribbon).
I took a class this past weekend on topsy turvy cakes and this is what I came up with. All fondant covered cake.
fondant covered barbie with buttercream details
buttercream covered in fondant with real ribbon and gumpaste roses
all buttercream with fondant children and faces
this is a buttercream cake with real ribbon and chocolate shells
All fondant covered pink, ivory and brown. I copied a Peggy Porschen cake, I only idd the top 3 tiers. My fondant did not want to lie flat so I was disappointed with the final results.
buttercream with fondant maple leaves and bought metallic spray
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