Disney Cars Cake
This was inspired by several similiar cakes in the gallery. It's two layers, bottom is chocolate with cookies and cream filling and top is butter pecan with maple cream cheese icing, covered with fondant. I used Michelle Foster's recipe listed here on CC. It works great. Although I did a terrible fondant job on the top layer (the bottom I did fine). That's why there are more mountains on layer two, to hide it, LOL. The cars are toys we bought. The writing is on rice paper with computer.

Flag Cake For Coast Guard Day Picnic
two 11x15 cakes stacked, with a 6" round under the flag to give it some depth. Fondant flag and stars painted with my airbrush. The plaque and banner was printed on wafer paper and stuck on fondant. Used gold dust to paint the rope edge. Made for the Coast Guard Picnic day and I won the $50 gift certificate for the desert competition. (my husband entered a cheesecake and he was so disappointed he didn't win I gave it to him and spent money on myself too, LOL) Inspired by Janet's fab flag cakes.

Pink Princess Cake
Made this for my daugther's birthday party today. Two 8" layers, chocolate with cookies and cream filling. Used a diamond quilting mat and piped some dots. Ribbon border on top and shells on the bottom. The crown I got from Claire's in the mall. : ) Darn, I see I took a photo with the crown facing the back of the cake, LOL. Will try to get a better pic at the party.

Floral Cupcakes
I did these floral cupcakes for a photography class I am in. We had to bring food to take pics using studio lights. The king size cupcakes tipped over in the car and got mashed but i managed to save one by turning the smashed part to the back. Inspired by the cupcake cafe. : ) These are the best roses I think I have EVER done. I used a chocolate kiss for the center.

Three Tier Wedding Cake With Cornelli Ribbon
My first (and only) wedding cake, done for supplies and experience only. It went soo smoothly it was almost unreal. I am very proud of it. It was enough cake for 100 people and only about 40 showed up. (I was a friend so I also attended the wedding and cut the cake). They were so sweet about it and thanked me in their wedding speech. This was a wilton design. Using the garden cake stand.

Juliette Low Girl Scout Founder Cake
This was for Juliette Low day that our local girl scouts did over the weekend. Her birthday is Oct 31. She is the woman who founded the girl scouts and she was quite a character. : ) The design on the cake looks just like patch the girls earned. That is her siloutte and she always wore pearls. It's two 11x15's put together. Half yellow half chocolate.

Teacher Retirement / Leaving
Made this huge 53 cupcake cake for the principle at my son's pre-school. he was the principle for my daughters Christian School last year but they decided after 27 years to close down and just do the preschool. He has decided to move on and he will be missed. This thing was huge and I had to use part of a vacuume box for the board. Almost made it too big to fit out the door, LOL.

3-D Garfield Cake
3-d Garfield Cake made using marshmallow fondant and a 2 lb bucket of satin ice I had sitting around. I think I used all together probably 3 pounds of fondant! Garfield is sitting on a 9x13 sheet cake. I airbrushed the color on Garfield and his blanket and his wood box he is sleeping in.

Small Summer Daze Whimsy Cake Like In Wbh
This is just the top tier of the Summer Daze whimsy cake in the WBH book. I did it for a girl scout fundraiser auction and they told me when I dropped it off they were going to put it in the call out auction rather than the silent acution so that made me feel good. Plus the council leader asked me if I would make a cake for a troop sometime and I said of course. : ) Chocolate cake with cookies and cream filling and italian meringue buttercream. Chocolate runouts.

Vw Volkswagon 3D Cake
I am so proud of this cake. This is my first carved 3d cake!! It's cherry chip WASC recipe (no filling), leftover buttercream and mm fondant. I painted the eyes and shaded everything with wilton food coloring and lemon extract. I included the wilton jar to show you what size it is. It probably serves 3 maybe 4 people.