
Wedding Cake
This cake was done for an outside wedding (95F) Iced in crusting butter cream icing. I was in tears icing theses cakes......finally found out what everyone was talking about with the crisco shortening....grrrrrrrrrr! Although I have learned if you use the store brand, the icing turns out much better. Maybe they haven't change theirs yet. The icing with crisco in it just would not stick to the cake. I was ready to scream. But made it through and I think for my 3rd wedding cake all turned out OK!

Cheetah Girls/spa
This cake was for an 11 year olds "CheetahGirls/Spa themed" birthday party. I iced this 12" round cake with butter cream. Hand designed the stencil cut outs. And hand painted the Cheetah print within the middle Star. I then add a few scrapbooking pieces glued to toothpicks to add in the spa theme.

After doing the batman and spiderman cakes I had a request for a superman. Unfortunately it didn't turn out very well. They didn't want as much cake so I changed the way I set it up. If you want to see how I did it let me know. (I took pics of the steps) Work out nicely, but I dont think I will ever do another super hero cake that doesn't where a mask. Very hard to make the details of the face.

Cookie Monster
This cake was inspired by a few that I have seen on here. My 2 nephews share a birthday......although one is 6 and his brother is 2! So I decided to make a cake that would appeal to both of them. On one side is the Cookie Monster, the other side is spiderman. The party hat is on there because I couldn't get my hands on a wig head, (I had to make my own of styrofoam ball and cone) so the head kept wanting to fall off so I used a metal rode and had to hide it with a hat at the last minute. LOL

Wiping Away Another Year......closer Pic Of Tp
This is a 1/4 sheet cake with BC icing. I made an 8"x2" round and cut out 3 circle that I stacked one one top of the other. I put it in the freezer to make icing it easier. For the little sheet hanging off the side of the roll...I iced a sheet of waxed paper and cut it to size. Then lad it up against the roll.