Cake Decorator elinor


elinor's Cake Photos view more

  • Granny's Birthday A bouquet of gumpaste flowers for a 73 year old granny. Marble chiffon cake iced with marshmallow frosting in dark pink.
  • Barbie Fairy layered chiffon cake with boiled icing and gumpaste and fondant decors
  • Princess Cake
  • Cars Cake
  • Kathleen's 8Th Birthday a princess cake for my daughter kathleen.
  • Dora Cake 12x16x3 chocolate and marble chiffon cake with fluffy icing. air brushed colors sprayed on.
  • Pooh Birthday Cake a birthday cake for a 1year old boy. i had fun time decorating this cake because it so easy to achieve the colors i want with the use of an...
  • Different Strokes For Cupcakes cupcakes here are decorated with the use of different tips to achieve another design. and with boiled icing its just so easy to pipe. and...
  • Colorful Cupcakes1
  • Dora Cake With Cupcakes this dora cake is requested by my youngest daughter for her 4th birthday. along with it are chocolate cupcakes with fluffy boiled icing...
  • Simple Princess Cake this is the cake i did for my daughter who turned 7. air brushed colors and hurriedly done cause there were still cupcakes.
  • 18Th Birthday girl's most awaited birthday, when they would turn 18, their debut birthday. a stacked 3 layer chiffon cakes in marshmallow icing...
  • Cupcakes Galore chocolate cupcakes with fluffy boiled frosting. i used a petal tip in different colors one on top of the other which also make it looks...

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