Sand Castle Cake

Sand Castle Cake on Cake Central

Several pictures from CC were my inspiration for this cake. This was for my mother's birthday, she loves the beach and shells. The cake is pumpkin spice, my own concoction of 2 boxes of spice cake, a large can of pumpkin and a box of vanilla pudding. The base is 9x13 topped by 2-6 inch rounds and the tower was baked in a soup can. I heated cream cheese premade frosting and drisseled over the cake and pressed in cookie crumbs. I ground up pecan sandies and some vanilla sandwich cookies for the sand.

Comments (4)


The shells are real. The tourets are ice cream cones with frosting and cookie crumbs. The candles came from the dollor spot at Target this summer.


Ohhhh, I love this-my grand daughter requested a "sand castle cake" for her third birthday! I am going to use your idea of pecan sandies and ice cream cones-great job!


The shells are real. The tourets are ice cream cones with frosting and cookie crumbs. The candles came from the dollor spot at Target this summer.


Ohhhh, I love this-my grand daughter requested a "sand castle cake" for her third birthday! I am going to use your idea of pecan sandies and ice cream cones-great job!