Potty Cake

Well, I had all kinds of problems with this cake! Not my neatest work! But I guess as long as you can tell it's a toilet. :-/ Inspired by all the toilet cakes here. (Seat lid is cardboard covered in fondant; water is piping gel; some accents and toilet paper in fondant; iced in buttercream.) 2 8" R with center cut out of top one; back of potty made using a 11 x 15 sheet cake cut and stacked 4 layers high.
Nice! I like that you used choc. strawberries instead of fake poop! Much more appetizing! :P
I like it allot very nice
That is the cutest thing ever....in a gross way anyway
I still wouldnt eat the strawberries in the toilet.....but I love the cake, great job.
LOL mkerton...me either...lol...
Very cute! My DH's family would get a big kick out of this cake!
Nice! I like that you used choc. strawberries instead of fake poop! Much more appetizing! :P
I like it allot very nice
That is the cutest thing ever....in a gross way anyway
I still wouldnt eat the strawberries in the toilet.....but I love the cake, great job.
LOL mkerton...me either...lol...
Very cute! My DH's family would get a big kick out of this cake!
LOL.. this cake is so cute <3 I want the same.
The cake is so beautiful, I love it very much. I want to buy some. gecey
I think it would be better, if you place more kinds of fruit, such as pineapple and so on.