I was really happy with how the helmet came out. At first, I had my doubts... it wasn't until after I painted in the black parts that I started to get excited. It was like , "Ooh, this might actually end up looking right!"
Thank you for not making fun of my piping skills. It must make you cringe compared to the beautiful work you guys do. I know I need to take some time and start practicing.
Great looking cake and your helmet is perfect.
This is fabulous! Love the lines and your helmet is perfect!
You did it! :) Great work.
Thank you, ladies. :)
I was really happy with how the helmet came out. At first, I had my doubts... it wasn't until after I painted in the black parts that I started to get excited. It was like , "Ooh, this might actually end up looking right!"
Thank you for not making fun of my piping skills. It must make you cringe compared to the beautiful work you guys do. I know I need to take some time and start practicing.
Your piping skills are better than mine, ThatCakeDude42!