A Sweet Wedding Proposal


My contribution to A sugar Artists Tea Party" A sweet wedding proposal" In Ladurée style. A beautiful gift for the bride, a pair of lovely teacups and saucers for a romantic proposal for two with some delicious Macarons. And not to forget, the most important thing: The engagement ring The vegan macarons are made of aquafaba (chickpea brine that is used as egg replacer). They were absolutely delicoious! The stone in the engagement ring is made of isomalt. The teacup and saucers are made of gumpaste and handpainted, and Sugar roses and ranunculus to make the proposal complete.

Comments (1)


Wow, thanks so much for sharing!   I've had to be egg free for the last 3 years and I thought I had heard it all!  Aquafaba!... I'm sooo going to research and try it!   thx!  :)