Bags O' Popcorn

My youngest ( this was for his 3rd b-day) loves popcorn and when I got the latest edition of ACD I saw these and had to give them a try. Let's just say that I am very content sticking with my piping skills on my cakes. I'll leave the 3D carving to the pros!! I decided to use real popcorn instead of marshmallows or gumpaste as the instructions call for. I knew he would be disappointed if it wasn't real. He loved it with the buttercream icing on it.
critique group member: i love the idea of doing something special for your son. The real popcorn fits him which makes it perfect. I was looking at it and my first thought was the sides look crumpled, but then I realized that is how all my popcorn bags look after I try to carry everything at the movies so it looks realistic to me :)
As far as I can see, the red lines look pretty straight, it's the crumpled bags that give that look of un-evenness (then again, i'm no pro) so as far as my untrained eyes can see, these look fantastic, and I think you ought to embrace 3d's and enjoy the fun they can offer, i'd be super scared, but excited to try making these!
Cute! Not only are you a great cake decorator,your photography is great too.
WOW!!! Thank you!
Critique subgroup member: Well of course the cake is made for the end user in mind and in this case your son - so good job. You might want to buy the tool Wilton makes with your Michaels 40% off coupon for cutting ribbon next time to give your stripes a nice even line. :wink:
Thank you so much for all the kind comments. The bags are definately not straight. Like I said, I do NOT do 3D cakes. There's a reason!!! :P
Critique Group Member: I love these.. I agree that they could be a smidge cleaner, but I think it adds to it over all. If they were perfectly straight it might lose the charm. Well done and I am sure the salty popcorn was good with the BC.. mmm.
Critique Group Member: You're a good mom to do what your son would love best :D . I can't add any critiques to what the others have already mentioned. I suggest to keep working on carving cakes. It gets quite fun after getting over those scary nerves :wink: .
Oh yeah, that pop corn was really good with the buttercream. Sweet and salty!! :roll: Those red stripes were straight. It's just my horrible job of carving that makes them wavy. I too though thought that added to the more natural shape of a real pop corn bag. :wink:
Critique group member: Too cute! This is such a great idea and other than bags looking kind of crumpled you did a perfect job!
critique group member: These are so cute and I love that they are so personalized for your ds. Using real popcorn worked beautifully. It's not like it's something inedible stuck on's the real deal, and who doesn't like the sweet/salty combo. My critiques mimic the others...straighter cleaner lines and I do see some cake through the white, so maybe thicker icing/fondant. You did a great job on the carving. I hope you had fun with it.
critique group member.. LOL You are braver than I. Carved cakes scare the you know what out of me. ;) You did a fine job, my only suggestion would be to make the red lines a bit straighter
critique subgroup member: fantastic job on a 3D cake! especially since you don't do them often. The only suggestion I could make has already been said, to just try to straighten and even up the red stripes. overall, very well done!
Very nice. I have no idea how hard it would be to make popcorn out of marshmallows or gumpaste,but I do know kids love popcorn so I would go that route too. They get two of their favorite treats at the same time, they must have been thrilled
critique group member: wow- the crinkled look is such a great touch- I even like the un even lines because they flow with the disruptive design of the bags. I personally love the sweet and salty and as long as the design is all edible, I'm all for different mediums. Sometimes being creative means using the real deal, you know? Great work