Help! Cake Delivery Charge!
Decorating By HeatherMari Updated 15 Oct 2005 , 3:44pm by candyladyhelen

Hello All,
I may be doing a 400 person wedding cake soon and I was just wondering what any of you may charge as a delivery fee. Do you charge a flat fee or per mile? Do you only charge a delivery fee when the location is so many miles away? I've only done one wedding cake and any help would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you,

I charge a flat fee of $35.00 within the city.I usually don't have to go outside of that...if you live in the smaller towns I would also charge a per mile fee as well!! It costs you time and money to deliver and with the gas prices as high as they have to make it worth it to you also!!

I haven't done any wedding cakes, but I can tell you that I wouldn't deliver that cake for anything less than $50.00! That's a BIG cake!
When I make my regular birthday, shower, or any other occasion cake,
I delivery free within my 10 mile radius. Anything over, I charge $2.00 per each additional mile.
Hopefully some of the other bakers can give you more insight.
And don't forget if you have to set it up as well, that's usually another fee.
Maybe you can combine the fees and make it $75.00 for delivery and setup for example.
Good Luck!

I charge $1 per mile. I have had to start charginh delivery since gas is so high. I used to try and include it if I could. No one has said anything though, they all understand.

I try to build the cost of delivery in to the price of the cake. I would rather not seem like i'm nickle and diming people to death. I will tend to say i will get back to them after they have picked thier design out. Then i estimate how long and how much its going to cost me to do the cake. Then pad the price by about $50 for delivery. I do tell people if the reception is quite far that i have to add in a delivery charge because gas is so out of control. Then i may add on $25 or so. Again it really depends on what it is.

I would charge at least $50.00 for delivery for a cake that size... If there's any type of set up involved, charge more. I did a tower of roses cake and it took me 2 hrs to set that sucker up because the amount of flowers.. I didn't charge enough for set-up and delivery and I learned my lesson..Never again!!

i only charge if its farther than 15 miles.....
im not used it yet but one day ill get brave and make it my policy

I charge a $5.00 charge for local & $25.00 for local wedding delivery.
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