I always made pound cake type of lamb cake for easter. havn't done it in several years and when i went to find the recipe that had all my directions , temp , time and notes ... can't find it. i tried one pound cake from interneet and it was burned on outside and slightly underdone on inside. Does anyone have a recipe that works with the regular size lamb mold. thanks
i do not, so sorry -- but i love that you are making one! seems so nice nostalic and normal (for this crazy day and time)
just for the record, do you realize you are following in the steps (hooves) of none other than the renowned bo peep herself? hahahahaha
just being perfectly silly! jk jk jk jk
Boss, be serious, this poor baker is in a desperate situation! I used to have one... let me dig into my treasure chest...I'll be back before Easter!
I have to make peep baskets too , but those are easy. I love some of these old school treats for the holidays. My mom always used Dromedary pound cake mix to make the lamb... but a) I live in Canada now... not here and b) do they even sell that product anymore.
Quote by @ReginaCoeliB on 2 days ago
Boss, be serious, this poor baker is in a desperate situation! I used to have one... let me dig into my treasure chest...I'll be back before Easter!
but reggiekins, you are serious enough for both of us and i have a wonderful pound cake recipe but idk if it will work as a lamb -- in fact when it bakes, it has a great crack in it at the last bit when the uncooked batter pushes it's way to the top -- it is the best pound cake ever imo but prolly not for a molded cake --
so seriously, in honor of my friend reggiekins, here is my favorite pound cake recipe that prolly won't work for you:
Classic Cold-Oven Pound Cake (southernladymagazine.com)
now i use a full cup of cream ~ and see the crack? not a good look for a
but it might work! because you are not using as much batter -- idk -- hurry up with that recipe, reggie
Don't rush me Boss, Easter is still a few weeks ahead....I made serious mistakes working under pressure.... I may end up posting a recipe for cornbread instead of one of pound cake... That would be embarrassing ad yet tasty. In the meantime, I'll be singing little Bo peep has lost her (recipe) sheep...
Well, I found the recipe...But I lost my patience and wiliness to type....
Here goes my best effort! Since you are now in Canada, you should be familiar with the metric system...I hope!
Orange-Butter Cake
- 150 g unsalted butter
- 3/4 cup fine white sugar
- 2 eggs, lightly beaten
- 1 tsp finely grated orange rind
- 2 cups self-rising flour
- 1/4 cup dry powdered milk
- 1/2 cup orange juice
- Preheat the oven at 325F
- Brush your lamb mold top and bottom with melted shortening and then flour generously
- Using an electric mixer, beat butter and sugar in a mixing bowl until light and creamy.
- Add eggs gradually, beating well after each addition. Add rind, beat until combined.
- Using a spatula, fold the sifted dry ingredients alternating with the juice.
- Stir until just combines and almost smooth.
- Pour the mixture into the prepared tin, cover with the lid and put it in the oven for some 40 min.
- Test with a wooden skewer using the hole in the top lid.
- When done, remove from the oven and let rest for 5 minutes before removing the lid.
- Not a big fan of orange, use vanilla instead of rind and buttermilk instead of orange juice.
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