Hi All!
I was asked to make a cake pop cake, basically cake pops arranged on a display looking like a tiered cake. What would be the best way to do this? Should I use styrofoam cake dummy tiers, cover in fondant and then just stick the cake pop sticks in? Is there a styrofoam that would be best to use? I use a block of floral foam when making cake pops, but wasn’t sure if regular styrofoam cake dummies would be too dense for the display. Any advice is appreciated.

You can use any type of foam especially since you will cover it w/fondant. The only styrofoam I do not recommend is soft. I don't know what it's called but it would be too soft for the sucker sticks to penatrate. The only reason I mention that is because I just got a new range hood and it's packed with this soft styro :) I don't think Ive ever seen it being sold.

I suggest you use regular styrofoam cake dummies. If you have trouble penetrating the foam with the cake pop sticks, use an ice pick to make a hole.
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