Using Impression Cookie Stamp Cutters To Make Royal Icing Sugar Cookies?

Decorating By lukbeealady Updated 1 Nov 2019 , 1:42pm by lukbeealady

lukbeealady Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
lukbeealady Posted 30 Oct 2019 , 10:46pm
post #1 of 4

When I'm on Etsy, I see a lot of sellers selling cookie cutters with impressions on it, so that it stamps the image onto the cookie. Can I use those cutters to decorate with royal icing? I've only used regular cookie cutters in the past, so I have no idea what the implications are of using royal icing on these types of cutters. Will the royal icing sink into the impression grooves? Does it make decorating sugar cookies easier or harder? I don't have a projector and I wanted to make Peppa cookies...and I was hoping that instead of having to freehand the faces, I could use the impressions to guide me? Could that work?

3 replies
kakeladi Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
kakeladi Posted 31 Oct 2019 , 2:01am
post #2 of 4

I have used “impression” cutters for years to make Christmas decorations   I don’t think they will work for what you want to do   The impressions are not deep you would just use them as a guide piping over them  which will highlight the idea of whatever the design is 

inthekitchen2 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
inthekitchen2 Posted 31 Oct 2019 , 3:47pm
post #3 of 4

I agree with Kakeladi. If you flood them, you will lose the design. If you follow the lines with your icing, kind of like making a coloring book page, and then flood them inside that should work. 

lukbeealady Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
lukbeealady Posted 1 Nov 2019 , 1:42pm
post #4 of 4

Thanks! My other idea was to maybe outline the the stamp with food marker and then "stamp" it onto the cookie after it is flooded to use as a guide for the image. 

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