Is It Possible To Succeed Making Buttercream Only Cakes? Not Working With Fondant?

Business By cuky21 Updated 13 Mar 2019 , 4:53am by me_me1

cuky21 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
cuky21 Posted 9 Mar 2019 , 7:59pm
post #1 of 8

Hi everyone, I hope you can give me your thoughts on this. 

I really love making pastries and mousse cakes and things like that, and my dream is to have a bakery someday, but since I can’t afford to rent a commercial place just yet, I decided to try and sell cakes online (for birthdays and things like that) to try to start a client base, but the thing is, I hate working with fondant!

I started making cakes but to me, working with fondant is a pain, and I really don't enjoy it. I feel it takes me way too long to do anything, way more than other people I’ve seen (even coloring the fondant), and I feel I am really not good at it (I've never been able to get sharp edges, I can't do 3D figures or anything like that) so every time I made a fondant cake, I spent days stressed out.

I have tried making buttercream cakes (with a ganache drip and things like that) and I have no problem with that.

So I'm wondering, is it possible to succeed making buttercream only cakes? From what I’ve gathered from the people who write to my Facebook page, most people want fondant cakes because of the theme they have for birthday cakes, or they want wedding cakes with lots of flowers or embroidery and things like that

 Does anyone reject making fondant cakes? And if so, how do you manage to make buttercream cakes when they want a specific theme, like a superhero or something? And how can you “convince” a client to change their mind and go for a buttercream cake instead.


Thank you very much for your input! 

7 replies
kakeladi Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
cuky21 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
cuky21 Posted 10 Mar 2019 , 12:34am
post #3 of 8

Sorry I don't know how that happened

mahtc2016 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
mahtc2016 Posted 10 Mar 2019 , 1:44am
post #4 of 8

You might look at the Sugar Flower Cake Shop in NYC, I believe she only does buttercream cakes.

tmcakes Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
tmcakes Posted 10 Mar 2019 , 1:15pm
post #5 of 8

Absolutely you can be successful working with just buttercream. Stick with what you are comfortable with. Just about any cake iced in fondant can be done in buttercream. Perfect the smoothness and you are good to go. I work mostly in buttercream and accent with fondant pieces. I have done fondant covered cake but I personally don’t care for fondant for many reasons. I find customers want foundant cakes because of the look but have no idea you can achieve pretty much the same look in buttercream. There are many success bakeries were I live that only do buttercream and they have been around for decades. I let them know if I can or can’t do something or give them another option most people are ok with going with something slightly different, you just have to inform them of their options. If you are on Instagram feel free to check out my page TMCAKES I’m no way perfect but I do ok and have people that have been with me from the beginning....all they care about is the taste and that’s what keeps them coming back. 

cuky21 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
cuky21 Posted 11 Mar 2019 , 12:45am
post #6 of 8

Thank you both so much! I will check out those pages :)

SandraSmiley Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
SandraSmiley Posted 11 Mar 2019 , 11:40pm
post #7 of 8


me_me1 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
me_me1 Posted 13 Mar 2019 , 4:53am
post #8 of 8

Also check out the Buttercream Bakery here in Aus   :)

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