I made these for fun last night and wonder if they would sell at a market or for parties. I haven't seen anyone sell something similar in the UK. These were just plain genoise sponge with chocolate buttercream (and looked a bit like white bread with chocolate spread!) but I think a darker coloured sponge would look good. I've seen cute hello kitty ones and other characters online and they seem like they could be a nice alternative to customised cupcakes. What do you think?
Thank you both for your replies. I think you could be right about the cake drying out. I'll have a play with the recipe. And I might make some for work and ask for feedback. People are always happy to try free cake.
You could try a glaze on the outside perhaps. Like a thinned down apricot glaze....there are a few options when making a naked cake that helps slow down dry time....might work on these as well. Keep thinking outside the box! Best of luck!
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