Can anyone give me some advice on how to make this cake? I found it here on cake central, but need some coaching.
What size cake pans to use, and how to figure out the size of the parts used and how to attach them.
Thanks for any help. I need a cake to feed 10-12 people.
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I would definitely suggest using a dense cake that would hold up well while being carved. If you're only feeding that many people start with an 8 inch cake and after carving and sculpting you should wind up with a 6 or 7 inch cake. After carving crumb coat your cake and then pipe the fur details around the cake. The other details such as the hands, eyes, ears, etc. you could make from fondant or gum paste. If you can, make them several days in advance to allow them time to dry that way they will hold up on the cake. If you can't make them so far ahead you can add tylose powder to your fondant/ gum paste and allow it to harden for a least 24 hours. Hope this clears some of your questions up! Good luck and let us know how it turns out!
So this might not be the best answer in the world, but if it were me, I would stack two 7" cakes and then make a the Wilton ball pan (just 1 half, but make it nice and full). And put it on top! Then carve just the edges around the top of the 7 inch so they are more rounded toward the ball! Then ice using your star tips! The ears I would make in advance but the other body parts could be made same day! (If the head needs to be flatter just carve it down a bit! (But that's just me)!
Thank You everyone! I think I'll use the 7" pan and the ball pan. Would I attach the body parts before, or after ,I add the stars?
Put the body parts on last, but while your icing is still soft! Post a pic and let us know how it goes! :)
Thanks! I will post a picture when it is finished which isn't for two weeks to be made.
I just added a picture of the gizmo cake. Thanks for all the help! I used three 7" layers and the ball pan.
Nice work :) Nice that everyone was able to suggest help for you to come up with him.
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