How To Do This Gold Strikes On Fondant?
Decorating By Minileo Updated 30 Apr 2016 , 12:03am by Minileo
Hello Lovely ladies,
I just saw this cake and was wondering how to do these beautiful gold strikes on the fondant? I was thinking if a thread dipped in gold luster dust and wrapped around the cake. would defin[postimage id="3733" thumb="900"]itely like to hear your suggestions. Thanks in advance.
It looks like they took unflavored dental floss and imprinted the design, then painted the gold in the impressions with a very fine brush. If you figure it out, post a picture. Would love to see how it turns out!
Sorry for the delay in reply..thank you both for your input. If it's from dental floss or thread and then painted over I must say the decorator had steady hands as it does not look like if it is brushed in lil sections and she moved her hand (which is she has to, to fill her brush again).. Will let you know if I happen to try it my way. In the meantime any suggestions are most welcome.
Thanks again!!
Dip your thread (or dental floss) in the gold before laying on the cake and pull/press it to mark it...Or use a ruler to paint along to keep the lines you would paint a wall, but stay off the ceiling.
My take on it is that something like dental floss was dipped/run through gold edible paint and laid on the cake to transfer the gold. Look closely at the two lines that encircle the cake - the bottom most and in the center that do Not form an X in the front - there's little to no gold - just an impression. matter how it's done it's still gold and gold is NOT allowed to be on a cake here in the US (except on decorations that are removed before serving).
Thank you 640Cake & Kakeladi..I was thinking of same trick as I have mentioned already in my question. Thank you for this important info about no gold on cake except for the decorations, Kakeladi. appreciated everyone's help.
Thank you.
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