I am getting ready to set up my first cake booth at a bridal show. I would love to see your cake booth and how you have everything laid out. I am looking for ideas from back drops to tablecloths!! Anyone with advise without pictures, I would love to hear from you also!
Thanks so much!!

Here is our first bridal we did one year ago, I don't have the recent show booth on my computer or facebook page yet but I will post it later. We just searched on Google to get ideas.
Things that help stand out: samples, rug, unique sign, dresser, not just white sheets on the table, bridal cake giveaway (to get their email address and get them to like my facebook page), etc (google has a better list, just ask him )

I have been researching also and found this a few weeks ago. I think i read every page. http://cakecentral.com/cake-decorating-ftopic-580310-15.html Oh look it's like I am Jan now LOL

I always put pictures of my booth on my blog, but here was one my last 10x10 setups:

Jennifer get out. Go on...
TOO CUTE!!!! How did you get your signs done?

Thanks Annie!
My brother, CC user mike411 made the wooden sign and I cut the letters out of foam core (gator board) using a band saw. When I had a *real* job I worked in visual merchandising for a retail chain and I cut letters all the time. Once they were cutout I painted them black and then used spray adhesive and black glitter to make them sparkly!

I was wondering if they were foam core. At any rate, your booth is awesome!
I get really nervous though, seeing the cakes out toward the edge of the booth like that. Around here people go through cake booths like bulls in china cabinets. They would have to be bolted down LOL .

Jenniffer....i love your display!! Adorable. I love everything about it!!!!
I recognize one the square cake in the back right. That's in my fav's. I remember how you said your brother? i think made the stand, so i decided to try to make one for my wedding cakes. It turned out great and wasn't hard to make at all!

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