Tiered Cake: 8 Inch And 10 Inch Or 8 Inch And 12 Inch
Decorating By Heatherly30 Updated 7 Dec 2011 , 5:52pm by AZCouture
Making a tiered cake with a fondant Charlie Brown Christmas scene on top. I don't want the cake to look short and squatty, but I think I need a larger space on top of the cake for the scene. Which combination of pans do you think would achieve a better look?
Since you'll be filling the top of the 8 inch, you should be fine with either the 10 or the 12 below. IMO, it's not the size of the bottom tiers that make a cake look squatty, it's a too big top tier where it looks like there's still room for another tier.
Since you'll be filling the top of the 8 inch, you should be fine with either the 10 or the 12 below. IMO, it's not the size of the bottom tiers that make a cake look squatty, it's a too big top tier where it looks like there's still room for another tier.
Exactly. A 14" top tier would look perfectly normal if the decoration on top filled the space perfectly. It's when nothing is on top at all that I believe 6" top tiers and larger look squatty. I do my best to have no larger than a 5" top tier if nothing is to be on top.
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