Transporting And Keeping Cupcakes Cold
Business By snowdaisy822 Updated 9 Jun 2011 , 6:23pm by snowdaisy822
Hi all! Okay, so I'm still working on my license for my business and the person I am working with wants to know how I will keep cupcakes cold as I transport them from the kitchen to the event. I was looking into Cambro carriers, but they're so expensive! What do you guys do? Do you keep them cool as you transport them or what? Thank you!
Yes. I use regular Igloo coolers that will accomodate my bakery boxes. Because my boxes are coated, they stay nice. Each cooler hols four 10 x 10 boxes. I use the Chillers fake ice in a bag, lined on the bottom with a towel separating them. This is plenty. After seven hours in these coolers last weekend, five hours in the car and two at a family reunion outside in the heat, the SMBC, IMBC, FBC, custard based frostings, lemon curd filling, etc., were actually too cold for serving. I took a bunch out and they were room temp in 30 minutes. So obviously, my short trips and two hour trips are fine. This weekend was the longest test for me. I also lend these to customers transporting cakes that must be refrigerated. I pack up the tiers in boxes, completely cover them with plastic, and pack them. If the tier is too big, I pack it in a baking pan that is one size bigger than the box, surrounded by those ice packs and covered with two heavy towels. It works perfectly. If I did not know the person, I would charge a rental and deposit fee.
Edit: Because I knew the frostings and fillings were perishable, I refrigerated them finished and packed in the boxes overnight so that they were already cool in the cooler.
Thanks! What size of cooler is that? Is it one of the 150 quart coolers? I have 10x14x4 boxes, so I don't know if they'd fit that well.
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