Question, when a recipe says 1C sifted flour, does that mean 1C before sifted or 1C after sifted. Cause after it's sifted it's always a little more than a cup. Thanks for all they great recipes.
The way I've always interpreted this direction is "1 cup sifted flour" means sift the flour first, then measure. "1 cup of flour, sifted" means measure 1 cup of unsifted flour, then sift it.

Original message sent by kakeladi
This is my *original* WASC recipe. Glad to hear how much it is appreciated :) I actually use only 3 whole eggs. \ ANY cake flavor can be used and so can a container (6 oz) of yogurt instead of sour cream. Check out my post on this recipe for many more hints and options.

AHow would YOU make this a peanut butter cake :-D

OMG I thought I was going crazy! My pudding would actually sink to the bottom of the cake as well as the jello in my strawberry cake! I did not realize the boxes were smaller-Go Figure!
Thanks for the info!

ACan you freeze the cake ahead of time when adding the pudding, sour cream and eggs? I am making cupcakes for a party.

AYes! You can definitely freeze them. However, I would make sure it is completely cool before wrapping and freezing. Adding pudding/sour cream makes the cakes very moist and if wrapped when warm they can be almost soggy when defrosted.

Does adding the pudding mix,stop the layers from rising as high? I too am not satisfied with the changes DH made to their boxes of cake mix.. If I try to make a 9 inch cake with one box of mix they look so flat compared to what they used to be. If the pudding mix doesn't make it even flatter I would like to try it.

AI am making cupcakes so wrap them in saran wrap?

Hi there ...
I just stumbled on this discussion, yours was the first item that I read, and it is exactly the same conversation I was having earlier this afternoon. So, I'll share what I learned today and in my own kitchen.
The recipe that you have quoted, even with the sparkling water, is almost the same as one I used to use to make years ago ... but bake in a crock pot. Maybe mine had one more egg. I used a large coffee can that filled up most of the crock pot, and a couple stones to keep the can 1/2" off the bottom. There was about an even 1/2" of space all the way around.
I greased the inside of the can, then floured the grease in the can, and used your recipe. Because the temps in the crock pot are no where near the 350 of an oven, (and you want to use High) the cake bakes for quite a long time. This allows even more of the moisture to evaporate and the oil gives you a heavy, dense cake. Whether there is any benefit from the carbonation in the club soda, I don't know. I do remember that I usually used milk, half-n-half, buttermilk, room temperature yogurt, kafir and stuff like that. (A box of double chocolate cake mix is a staple in my pantry. What happens to it next depends on what is floating around in the kitchen. You can't mess up a cake, for pete's sake.)
My favorite cake in the crock pot was double chocolate box cake, a package of chocolate pudding, a package of cherry jello and a can of cherry pie filling. This takes some experimentation to get it perfect. However, just close is incredible. I have tried putting everything in the coffee can and even do the mixing right in the can with moderate success. Then, after an hour or more of baking, depending on where you live. then I would add the cherry pie filling and just stir it in like fruit into jello. If I added the cherries too soon, they would all go to the bottom of the can. Adding later when the cake is a little more firm holds them in place. Then, return the coffee can to the crock pot to bake for as long as it takes. Having all the cherries at the bottom is not a problem if you like upside down cakes. If you wanted a pound cake type to cut nicely for tea, this cake is going to be firm but a little messy. Messy is goooooood. By the way, the coffee can has ridges in it. This will catch the cake and keep it from coming out of the can unless you let the cake cool completely. So, to use it at night, make it in the morning. Or, you can spend some bucks and buy a stainless steel storage can that fits the crockpot.
Remember, this cake is going to be heavy. Try making it with all chocolate, add some rum soaked
raisins, chopped peanuts like the sugary honey roasted ones (the salt makes the cake kind of sweet and sour). My all time best, in my opinion, was all chocolate Including smallish chocolate chunks with honey mustard sourdough pretzel bits ... they come in a brown bag ... crushed up nice and small. In this one, I added the pretzels at the very beginning so they would adsorb some of the liquid (don't be afraid to use chocolate milk) so, in the middle of baking, I just took a spoon and stirred up the mix to move the pretzel bits around. If you are totally out of your mind, Watkins Products sells, and Walmart carries, a Peanut Butter Extract. A dribble of that, the honey mustard pretzels crushed kind of small ... are you getting the idea? How about all chocolate, Peanut Butter Extract, some chopped peanuts and chocolate chunks. Serve with ice cream. And, more chocolate sauce. Wait ... how about sweet orange yogurt sauce ... with mandarin orange chunks ... hmmmm.
Mother John

I have several questions if any one can help that would be lovely. Can anyone tell me if I used box cake with adding the pudding to the mix will this work for a three tier topsy turvy with buttercream only? Will it hold up or be to moist to keep it from falling apart? I am asking because I made a friend a tall three tier cake a few months back made with boxed cake and pudding. I inserted dowels but when I transported it 30 min away and husband was driving carefully. The tiers cake was moving and the top ended up tilting the buttercream softened cake was very moist. I don't want this to happen again as I am new at making a three tier cakes. I was hoping that she wanted fondant on cake but that is not an option for me. Can anyone help me and tell me how do a go about stacking this topsy turvey cake for travel if using boxed cake? Should I stick with homemade? I have to make the three tiered and a large sheet cake. This is for a friend she wants white cake... which brand is best and how much of what should I use if box cake will work?
The top cake will also have a slanted tilt to it. Will the Wilton white plastic separates work to stack this cake? the only thing is that I will not be able to place a center dowel threw it. Also I will be using Edna De La Cruz crusted butter cream icing will this hold up or does anyone know of a better tasting crusted recipe that would work for this type of cake... please help I have to be prepared and i have less than three weeks to go. Thank you for your time.
I found a picture of the size she wanted on line but not sure if I am suppose to post someone else work on here even though I would mention it is not mine. Would like to be able to show you the size let me know if it is okay and I will post it. thx
Here is the link for that cake..

AHi, While I haven't done a tipsy turvy cake yet ( just doesnt appeal-that's all), I have done several cakes of two, three & 4 tiers using the box cake with pudding box in it. I find it a good sturdy cake while still retaining its richness & moisture. It's my go to cake for 3D cakes that require allot of intricate carving to shape as it holds so well. I dowell between each layer making up each cake on its individual board. Anyway I'd use it if you have a good recipe for it Bye for now :grin:

AThank you, so much I will test a pudding cake soon to see if it will work.

AOh yes, I forgot to mention that a good ganache will always hold better than a buttercream. I use a 35% fat pure cream 3 parts white choc to 1 of cream. Or dark choc 2>2 1/4 parts to 1 of cream. It will set firm enough to hold but not hard to cut and is delicious.

AWhat brand white chocolate do you use? How hard is it to do? How would I know how much I would need to cover a 6, 8, 10 round cake.

AThank you, made a topsy turvy cake the flavor was wonderful. I may need to stick to a pund cake next time. I have a request for February another topsy Turvey cake can you suggest a couple of dense cakes? Or refer me to a link or page. Thank you so much..

Original message sent by trista4120
What brand white chocolate do you use? How hard is it to do? How would I know how much I would need to cover a 6, 8, 10 round cake.

AI used Cadbury Dream white chocolate. I have also used Nestles Milky Bar white chocolate. The method is easy and basically the same as InspiredByMichelle making ganache on YouTube . She explains it much better than I could write in a few sentences for you. See how you go. She has all chocolates on this too. Well worth watching. : )

ANo. I really dislike adding pudding to any cake mix. Mixes are bad enough and the pudding mix just makes them rubbery and creepy.

I wouldn't use a box mix, they are so unhealthy. I started making my own cakes from scratch with my kitchenaid stand mixer...its worth it :)

I'm from the UK and managed to get USA Betty Crocker Super Moist Strawberry Cake Mix. It says the Pudding is in the Cake Mix. Should I still add a packet of Pudding?
no--i think you'll be fine to use the cake mix as is without adding pudding--
enjoy your cake & take care
happy baking to you

ALol. A box mix is no more unhealthy than a scratch cake.

I wouldn't use a box mix, they are so unhealthy. I started making my own cakes from scratch with my kitchenaid stand mixer...its worth it :)
I have been making cakes from scratch for over 35 years. I just thought I'd have a bit of fun with some Cake Box Mixes :)
Moderation is the key to many things in life. I don't plan to eat them on a daily or weekly bases.

ATo make my cakes fluffier I make sure to seriously whip my eggs before anything gets put in it.:)

ASo it doesn't make it heavy or stodgy. I would have thought you might need to take some of the liquid ingredient out. Would that be correct? If so what size cake mix & pudding do you use? What special tweeks do you make to allow for this.?:)

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