How Much Would You Charge For This Cake?
Decorating By cakiemommie Updated 11 Oct 2010 , 3:10pm by diane706

Hey everyone.. just a question. Always second guessing my cake prices.. sometimes I think I'm charging too much.. other times.. too little. I have my own formula that I use, but I want some perspective. If you don't mind, would you all tell me what you would charge for this cake? This is a cake I did for a bridal shower.. and it's basically a Pink Cake Box knock off.. which is what they requsted. It took me several hours off and on to decorate, but overall, not a difficult cake at all to do. I'd love to know what all of you would charge for this same cake...
3 tiers, 10, 8 and 6... basic flavors and filling, 2 tiers cake, 1 tier dummy. all fondant.. gumpaste whimsy roses and bow.

I am new to this aswell, but I could tell you how much I would probably pay for it...maybe something like $80-$90. So long as this completely covers all your costs to make it.
Well done, I can appreciate the effort.
Hope this helps

Hard to say without knowing the size of the tiers, which tiers are cake vs. dummy and without knowing the serving amounts. But for me personally, I would charge somewhere in the $150 region for a cake like that.
The cake is gorgeous by the way!

the bottom tier is dummy.. the cake served approx. 30 people.

Serving 30 and 1 dummy... I'll charge around $160...

Dummy or not, all the decorating is still the same amount of work. A 6/8/10 serves 74 plus the bow and the topper .... I'd have to go with CWR's price range. Over $300 definitely.
I don't care that it only serves 30. They're having a party for 30 people, but they want a cake that LOOKS bigger and grander. Bells and Whistles cost extra.

How much did the ingredients cost for this cake? How much do you value your time in dollars per hour (multiply this by the number of hours you spent on the cake, including estimates for delivery and setup)? What are your overhead costs per cake (total annual overhead costs / number of cakes per year)?
Add these numbers together and tack on a 20-30% profit margin, and you'll have your price range.

I only do cakes for friends and family, but that would be in the $210 range for me.

I'm with indideby.
$300 to $400 around me. New York.

My price for that cake would be $225.00.

yes.. $85-$300 lol.. thanks everybody.. I charged $200.. which I think is reasonable for my area and the cake. Although if my business ever picked up I would certainly consider raising my prices.. It's nice to know that some people could/would charge $300!
thanks again!

I don't get it... even though the cake only served 30 people (because of the one tier being a styrofoam dummy) you still have the same amount of decorating/stacking and the dummy doesn't cost much less than the cake ingredients would. So, really, I would still consider it 74 servings (I use the Wilton serving chart). And for me, styro is a PIA to work with! So I would charge MORE if I used styro.
For you folks that are quoting a price tag of 80.00-150.00 are you basing your price on 30 servings or 74? Just curious.
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