Tips On Making Pom-Poms Out Of Fondant?

Decorating By erinalicia Updated 9 Feb 2010 , 6:51am by ceshell

erinalicia Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
erinalicia Posted 8 Feb 2010 , 2:30pm
post #1 of 3

I'm doing a cheerleader themed cake for one of my son's nurses for her daughter. I need to make a pair of pom-poms for the top and I was wondering if anyone had any tips or ideas on the best way to make them.

I've made a tassel before for my cousin's graduation cake using my clay gun, but it was so fragile and it started to dry very quickly which didn't allow me to move it much without it breaking.

I'd greatly appreciate any advice. I'm doing 2 cakes this week and I'd like to get as much of the fondant work done as possible, considering most of it needs time to dry anyway.


2 replies
erinalicia Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
erinalicia Posted 8 Feb 2010 , 2:37pm
post #2 of 3

lol, I just realize that my question doesn't make much sense (forgive the crazy pregnant lady! LOL)

I'd like to premake the pom-poms if possible. If it would be better to make them once I'm actually decorating the cake, I'll just practice making one to see how it turns out.

Regardless, I'd appreciate any tips. Sorry for sounding so scatterbrained. icon_smile.gif

ceshell Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
ceshell Posted 9 Feb 2010 , 6:51am
post #3 of 3

If you want to make the pom poms in advance, I'd try straight gumpaste or *maybe* 50/50 fondant/gp; it dries harder and less fragile than fondant. You would still need to handle with care (for example dry it on something you can then just scoot it off of, onto the cake) but at least it could be made in advance. (It would still be as fragile as your fondant ones up until it was completely dried though, btw.)

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