Jack & Jill Bridal Shower?

Decorating By Kimmers971 Updated 12 Aug 2009 , 11:42am by Trials_N_Error

Kimmers971 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Kimmers971 Posted 9 Aug 2009 , 4:31pm
post #1 of 8

I need HELP! My neighbor asked me to make a Jack & Jill theamed cake for a bridal shower icon_confused.gif . I've searched all over and can't find anything to give me an idea. Anyone have some thoughts they can send my way (or pictures)?

TIA icon_biggrin.gif

7 replies
Trials_N_Error Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Trials_N_Error Posted 9 Aug 2009 , 6:25pm
post #2 of 8

Well right off the bat what comes to mind for me is a hill with a old stone well at the top of it. Two figures tumbling down the path.

Or... something that just popped into my head... what about a cake that looks like an old wooden bucket of water you would find at a well. You could make it look like someone carved their names in the wood "Jack and Jill."
At the base you could have the rope kinda bunched up which is also attached to the bucket... make it look like the water spilled out of bucket... and also have a broken crown thrown in there some where. I can picture it in my head.. kinda hard to write in down though.

I don't know.. just throwing ideas out there for ya.

Best of luck to you. : )

LittleLinda Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
LittleLinda Posted 10 Aug 2009 , 12:05pm
post #3 of 8

I would ask the customer what the theme or color scheme of the wedding is and what decorations will be used at the bridal shower. I don't think the fact that guys will be at the bridal shower should determine the theme of the bridal shower cake.

Texas_Rose Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Texas_Rose Posted 10 Aug 2009 , 12:12pm
post #4 of 8

I think a hill with a wishing well at the top would be cute. If you wanted to get fancy, you could make a couple kissing at the top near the well, or if you wanted it to be simpler, make a couple of bushes at the bottom with boy feet sticking out of one and girl feet sticking out of the other, and a bucket of water laying on the path.

For the hill, I'm kind of picturing a couple of different sized cakes, with wedges cut out here and there and the whole thing covered with green fondant, with a brown path winding up to the top. The well could be simple...a cupcake covered in gray fondant with dots stuck on to be stones, two wooden skewers holding up a little peaked roof (made of fondant with tylose added to it).

jonahsmom Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
jonahsmom Posted 10 Aug 2009 , 12:53pm
post #5 of 8

I second Texas Rose. I pictured a cute, old fashioned type, couple kissing over a wishing well when I first saw this post. Would be ADORABLE!!!

three4thequeen Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
three4thequeen Posted 11 Aug 2009 , 11:05pm
post #6 of 8

So maybe this is a silly comment. But you might want to double check the theme. A Jack & Jill shower is just a shower for both men and women. You'll want to be extra sure that she was speaking literally of "Jack Y Jill" the story book characters, and not a his and her themed shower cake. I know silly, but I never knew what a Jack and Jill shower was and I felt silly when I found out.

tarheelgirl Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
tarheelgirl Posted 11 Aug 2009 , 11:25pm
post #7 of 8

When I saw the title of the thread I honestly thought you were talking about a shower with both woman and men.. not a themed Jack and Jill shower! =) I would definitely double check!

Trials_N_Error Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Trials_N_Error Posted 12 Aug 2009 , 11:42am
post #8 of 8

Wow... I had never heard that term before. Yeah that would be pretty funny if that is what they meant. LOL

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