Corn Syrup Free Fondant Recipe?
Decorating By 2girliesmama Updated 8 Aug 2014 , 12:15am by bubs1stbirthday
Does anyone know a good corn syrup free recipe? I have a client for an april monkey theme an I'd love to do fondant on this cake, but her daughter has problems with corn syrup. Any ideas? If not fondant buttercream. Help PLEASE
Hi, if you can find Lindy Smith's " Celebrate with a cake" book, there is a good recipe. If you don't have that, send me a PM. I'll send it to you.
FYI-please check to see why she has a problem with corn syrup. My friend has a reaction to corn syrup and other corn products, and corn starch is in powdered sugar as well, so there isn't any type of fondant she can eat.
I was just wondering whether she can have Marshmellow Fondant? If so, here is the recipe from recipe index,
No problems with corn products just corn Syrup. I was thinking MMF, but read the marshmallow label and they contain corn syrup too....Darn lol.Thanks Bashini for the recipe! I'm going to give it a try for sure.
Can you also give me the recipe. I am allergic to Corn and can make powdered sugar without corn starch. I just can't find a corn free version for my daughters cake.
AI wonder whether you could substitute something like Lyle's Golden Syrup in place of the corn syrup. I'm curious if anyone has tried that.
No issue with corn, just corn syrup? I sincerely hope they aren't putting you through all of this because they're worried about the high fructose issue for one slice of cake. Can she peel it off? That's what tons of people do anyway.
My son is allergic to corn so I have searched the web for a good corn-free fondant recipe. The closest I have found is the "Basic Fondant" recipe and you substitute honey for the corn syrup. I haven't tried these yet, but you can also substitute light treacle syrup or sugar/water. I only have the sugar/water equivalency for one cup of corn syrup and the recipe only calls for 2 tbsp: 1¼ cup white sugar plus 1/3 cup water=1 cup of corn syrup. "Basic Fondant" recipe:
I would find out if it's something she can peel off or if it's a severe allergy or what. I'd be interested to know what the problem is if it's not all corn products. I have never heard of that. Good luck!
By now, it's probably a moot point: look at the dates.
I will, however, note that common corn syrup from the grocer (which is mostly glucose and maltose), and high fructose corn syrup, are somewhat different substances, produced by somewhat different processes.
In many ways, HFCS is almost a synthetic analog to honey (part of the process by which bees convert nectar to honey is to split the sucrose molecules in the nectar into glucose and fructose). Golden syrup appears to be a more precise synthetic analog of honey.
Maple syrup (the real stuff, not the %$#%$#^% ersatz) is primarily sucrose, some of which is split into glucose and fructose in the boiling process.
As I recall, according to the Good Eats episode on candy making, the purpose of corn syrup in candy recipes is to inhibit the formation of large sucrose crystals. I would suspect that, with some experimentation, honey and/or golden syrup could probably serve the same purpose, as could HFCS, but probably not maple syrup or molasses.
Nothing to be sorry about; even a question is moot, it still may bring out knowledge.
ACan i substitute honey for corn syrup then in making MMF to make it more pliable? Yes? Nay? ;)
Ah, thanks AZCouture. That's good that someone Googled!!
MMF contains corn syrup because the marshmallows contain it.
AWell, if nobody answers, "mattyeatscakes," please feel free to experiment, and report back. If I hadn't been willing to experiment, I wouldn't have developed my strawberry marble cake, or my Innsbruck dream bars.
Original message sent by hbquikcomjamesl
Well, if nobody answers, "mattyeatscakes," please feel free to experiment, and report back. If I hadn't been willing to experiment, I wouldn't have developed my strawberry marble cake, or my Innsbruck dream bars.
Thanks james! I did try maple syrup and it made my fondant smell heavenly! It did make it a little more pliable too, my brown fondant was dry and crumbly.
Ohhhh your strawberry marble cake sounds delish!!
I decided to make fondant earlier to practice making flowers - turns out I had no glucose syrup but a whole jar of golden syrup so I thought, surely it will do the same thing and I used it instead. While the flower is drying I thought I would do a search and see if there was any info on using Golden Syrup instead of Glucose - I found this thread and will leave my results in case it can help someone :-)
I found I to be a little more sticky than the fondant is otherwise and of course it altered the colour a little but seems to work more or less the same as the glucose. The flower hasn't dried yet so I am not sure if the finished texture will be different.
The colour is a pale ivory and I actually think quite lovely. In a pinch I would do the switch again.
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