How Much Should I Charge For A Cake Like This?
Business By DelectableCreations Updated 6 May 2008 , 7:31am by MikeRowesHunny

A potential customer is inquiring about me creating a cake like the one below with 2 layers rather then the four tiers, and only wants to spend $100.00. I'm not sure I think this is worth the time,effort and fondant it would take to make this for $100.00. There is a lot of fondant and detail work as you can see! I need to get back to him soon and have no clue what to tell him! My thoughts are that it might look odd with only two layers, as well as the fact that I think it needs to be a little less detailed and busy if he only wants to spend $100.00. Your thoughts are greatly appreciated!

Instead of fondant, you could ice it in buttercream and use fondant accents to cut down on the use of fondant and the time spent smoothing fondant over two layers.

I've never done a wedding cake...but I know that I wouldnt do a one that size with that detail for so little!!!
Maybe you should consider pricing per serving, figure out the servings of the cake and calculate total price from there. I'm sure it will be alot more than $100! good luck!!!

I still think it would loook lovely as two tiers. The question is, how many servings does the customer want, and how much are you going to charge per serving? That is a designer cake, and I bet it didn't come with a $2-$3/serving price tag. It also can be hard to replicate exactly.

I have already thought that I will tell him that it wouldn't be covered in fondant due to the cost and would be buttercream. In order to feed the amount of guest he is having it would need to be at least a 12 inch and 8 inch cake. YIKES?!

I have already thought that I will tell him that it wouldn't be covered in fondant due to the cost and would be buttercream. In order to feed the amount of guest he is having it would need to be at least a 12 inch and 8 inch cake. YIKES?!

uMMM... A 12" and 8" is 80 servings. You are going to sell him a cake for $1.25 a serving??? Are you nuts, or is he??? It's at least a $200 cake, with the number of servings and time and effort.
When in doubt about what to charge, start with a fixed price. Let's say $2.00 a serving. Then go up from there. Fondant work gets an extra $.50 per serving, chocolate ganache an extra $.50 per serving, and so forth.
And stay true to yourself! Value your self and your work, and others will too.

He was very vague when he first inquired. I asked him what his budget was, and to send me photos of cakes he liked in regards to concept. He sent me that, and an insanely beautiful and intricate purse. I think he has no concept of how much time and cost a cake like either of these cost! We have not settled on a cake, or if I will even commit to making this cake.

It would have to be a tiny cake for only $100. Assume you are charging $4/serving, that only gives 25 servings for the cake.

That looks to me to be a 6-8-10-12.. that's 115 servings. I'd charge $575 for that cake in fondant. $100 wouldn't even cover the retainer to save the date for that cake. How many is he looking to serve? As an 8-12 it would serve 70 by my chart.. me thinks he is delusional.
I would simply tell him your base serving in fondant is $x and my base price in buttercream is $x.. the cake you are asking for would serve 115 people and that will be $XXX.00 in buttercream and $XXX.00 in fondant. If that is not within your budget and you don't need 115 servings we can make a cake that captures all you love about this cake in your servings range.

that is one fantastic cake!! is there any way to do the fondant detail in RI instead with maybe less detail? that's still a lot to do-is there anyway that he could pay more? (if he really wants it he'll pay-it's not like he can get it elsewhere right

Maybe I'm way off, but is it possible that this is an online inquiry that seems "off" in other ways? Or is this just a man who just doesn't have a clue?

I would charge no less than $5 per serving for that cake in buttercream and $6 per serving in fondant - so from me a 12in & 8in in that design would be $360-$435!!!
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