I just got an order and they really want flames airbrushed on the sides. Does anyone have any idea how to do this? I have an airbrush, I am just not sure if you use a stencil or what? I am not the artsy fartsy kind of person.
I did flames (with the spray paint from Wilton) and I couldn't find a stencil. So I bought a stencil kit at Hobby Lobby (about $4) that had blank stencil sheets and then printed off a flame pattern off of the internet and my DH transferred it to the stencil sheet. Worked like a charm. I could rinse it off in between and everything. Hope this makes since!
I assume you have already done this cake.
I airbrush flames on cakes a lot. I just take a design of flames, look at it, and freehand them on the cake. I always do the entire flame in yellow first, then add some orange at the base of the flames and along the outer edges of the tips of the flames, then I airbrush red at the very base of the flames and let it blend towards the tips. When I use my airbrush I always do it in layers. For grass I always airbrush yellow first then do green over the top and leave some yellow spaces for sunlight. It looks good also if you add some blue to the green and do some shadowing with that color.
I love using the airbrush both for doing backgrounds and also for highlighting my figure piping. It makes a nice way of decorating for people who don't want extra icing added also.
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