Help!! Forgot The Baking Poweder In My Cake-Can It Be Saved?

Decorating By kellyo Updated 20 Oct 2006 , 4:38am by Chef_Stef

kellyo Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
kellyo Posted 20 Oct 2006 , 3:55am
post #1 of 2

Hi everyone, hope all is well- I would love your help!!
Well, I suppose this is what happens when you start working on a cake at 11.45 pm- I completely forgot to add baking soda to my batter icon_sad.gif I figured this out after it had been in the oven for 3 mins (at 325) I took it out of the pans, added the baking soda and put it back in the oven. The batter was slightly warm and not as thick anymore. Will this even bake properly, or should I just dump it (plus one point to the cake monsters if so)?? It's baking in a ball-like pan...thanks guys!!

1 reply
Chef_Stef Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Chef_Stef Posted 20 Oct 2006 , 4:38am
post #2 of 2

I bet it'll be fine if it was only 3 mins.

I baked a whole 12 x 18 sheet without the baking powder once, and it was a BRICK after an hour. It went in the trash icon_cry.gif I need to learn to pay attention....

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