How Do You Get Ribbon To Stick On A Cake?
Decorating By jenz0991 Updated 13 Oct 2006 , 1:23pm by Bayamoy
I'm making a tiered cake for my grandparent's anniversary and I have been practicing and would like to use ribbon along the cake. How exactly to you apply it and make it stick??
Are you using silk-type ribbon or fondant? If you're putting a silk-type ribbon on fondant, I would think Royal Icing would be best. Take an inch or two and daub a bit on it to see if it shows through. If not than you can use RI to apply it. If it does, I don't know another method that doesn't have grease in it. If the ribbon is fondant than thinned frosting is the way to go. Good luck and post a photo so we can admire your work.
If you're applying fabric ribbon to fondant, slightly dampen the whole length of ribbon and it will stick to the fondant. Make a small slit in the cake just the width of the ribbon and push the ends into the slit in the cake. Good luck with the cake!
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