Anyone Have A Cooks Stand Mixer From Jc Penney?
Decorating By lori_d Updated 14 Jul 2007 , 12:52pm by Hollyanna70
I was just wondering how these perform. At $150 for a 700 watt mixer, it seems like a good deal, and I want to get a good stand mixer now that I'll be making icing and fondant more often. I have a Hamilton Beach Stand mixer but the motor struggles with buttercream. However, I've never heard of Cooks, which is apparently a JC Penney brand. I'd love to get a KitchenAid but it's too expensive. Thanks in advance for anyone who can reply!!
I have the Cook's stand mixer and I love it. I got it last October and have not had any trouble. I make 3 batches of buttercream at the time and it handles it very well. OhmyGoodies also has a Cook's and she has posted that she loves hers also. I don't think this mixer can be beat for the money.
I'm saving my money for one right now. Should be getting it in a couple of weeks. I was looking at the Sunbeam at Wal Mart but it was only 350 watts, where the Cooks is 700 watts. Big difference for not that much more money.
Hi All, My father-in-law bought me a KA and I love it!!! I would like to try the Cooks also so Thanks I will have to go look at them.I was wondering about them also.
I have one and I love it. I got it a few months back at a great deal. I use it for cake mixing, buttercream, and MMF.
I have one and HIGHLY recommend it!!!! I just posted about this in the Sunbeam thread For the price it's great because it's more wattage then the KA Pro 600 and it's less then half the price my husband makes (I was corrected after it was too late to edit my previous post to the other thread) 4!!! batches of BC at once in this mixer.... without any issues or hesitation Good luck!!!! I hope you decide to get one they are great! Also be advised it specifically states on the box.... Cook's Commercial Stand Mixer So it's not just a home appliance it's good enough for commercial use
Editted because I finally read the rest of the posts HAHAHA!
Thanks for the mention in the second post Also see Cindy is here... I kinda attacked her in PM over this and pushed it until she saw the light! lol. I just think it's a great investment and only being $150.~ and better wattage then the best kitchen on the open market without going to commercial size mixers... it's pretty darn good
Well, y'all convinced me. I ordered one online today. I went to the store but it was $30.00 more. I'm so excited, but I can afford to wait a few days to get it for less. (My husband will appreciate that. It's his money right now. Thanks for your input! I can't wait to get it and put it to use!!
YAY!!! I think JCPenney's should pay us all for advertisment! lmao hell we just sold their product for them lmfao
Also see Cindy is here... I kinda attacked her in PM over this and pushed it until she saw the light! lol.
No you didn't attack me in PM's. You just helped me see the light a good bit Hey it makes sense. More wattage for just a little more money. And I want something that is going to last. I don't want to buy one and then a few months later have to buy something else.
I wish I had known about this one before I got my KitchenAid, but just today I was thinking how nice it would be to have two mixers, now I know what to get next.
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