Do other decorators get tips from their clients? Most of the people I decorate for are well-off. I deliver every cake I make. Most of my clients live 20-30 miles away ...in the city. I don't understand why people tip the pizza delivery man but not the cake decorator. Am I concerned about nothing?

You know... I had never thought about it. Do you charge a delivery fee? If so then I really wouldnt expect a tip. Yes I would want one but I wouldnt expect it. And if you do free deliver, then yes I would think they would give you something for your trouble and gas. Especially knowing how much gas is costing right now. Thanks for making the post. I guess it gives me something to think about.

I delivered a cake today about 3 blocks away and she gave me a $5.00 tip.

I didn't think about tips when I started out, but my first and most regular customer always tips me--anywhere between 4 and 10 dollars. She referred me to someone, who I did an entire event for (4 cakes, cupcakes, cookies, etc.), and charged a 12 dollar delivery and set-up fee. She didn't pay me on the spot (not fun!) but called the next day with cake boards, and get this--gave me a forty-one dollar tip!!!! WOW!
The other day I had a last-minute call (three hours to bake/decorate/deliver) and the lady was rude about the style but said the rest was fine--no tip, though, even after I dropped everything and also delivered (which I don't normally do!). It takes all kinds...

I'm a massage therapist and even then, some people tip and some don't. I think people think about tipping more if you are employed by someone else. I used to work for a company and got more tips than I do now that I am self employed. They think if you're not getting all the money, then you deserve a tip and if you are, then you don't. Or at least that's what it seems like to me.

Not sure why, but perhaps b/c they're un-educated and think the price they're paying is expensive to start with? If you don't already have a delivery/set-up fee...I would say add a "fuel surcharge" (pizza companies are already doing that!)
Until you actually start decorating cakes, you think the prices in most bakeries are outrageous...then when you start decorating cakes, you realize it's not so easy!

People don't tip because they haven't learned that it is better to give than to receive! Also, they are unconscience and don't know what it is like to work in jobs where tips can make a huge difference in how one lives. The more one withholds money or tries desperatly to hang on to it the less one has. That is the law of nature.

I get tips occasionally, but definitely not as often as I'd like!! What really gets me is when someone asks me "Now am I supposed to tip you?"!!! How the heck am I supposed to respond to that?!?!?!

I agree with those who say that people don't generally tip those who work for themselves. If you get to set your own prices, it ss expected that you are charging what you think is a fair price.
Have faith in yourself and charge what you are worth. If you need to charge a mileage fee for deliveries, do it. It isn't that people are uneducated about when to tip, it is that the owner of a custom cake business is not in the category of workers who ought to be tipped. When you buy art on a canvas you don't tip the artist. Why should sugar artists expect a tip!?
Just my opinion!
Shalon (Peace)

Whenever I make a monthly employee birthday cake for my corporate clients, they usually tip. Of course, I usually give them "freebies" such as cookies or some other goodies I am trying out. Most of my private clients tip as well. It all "comes out in the wash" because they appreciate the work you do and the quality of the product.

The rule used to be no tipping of owners. That isn't true any more: however, that doesn't mean bakers are included in the tipping group. I checked Emily Post and she suggested up to a 15% tip for wedding bakers who have given extraordinary service. On other occassions I suppose it depends on whether the customer sees you as giving personal service like a hairdresser or as someone selling an item. I will tip the hairdresser but not the sales clerk.

I've been given a tip at least twice. When I offer to meet my clients half way they usually give me $10. However, I don't expect a tip. Sometimes you will find that some people are more generous than others.

I get tips, not as often as I would like, but then again, I think that people that gives tips, really appreciate the work. Sometimes I have customers, that I know just have the money for the cake. Some make compromises on the things they buy for the party just to get a great cake. So my "tip" is their happy faces. I don't deliver cakes, except for some exceptions. Of course for weddings (wich I've never done yet) and sometimes for the bowling alley. I have a contract with them for the kids birthday party. I deliver only if I have to go downtown and it's more convenient for me. But I have a flat price for cakes with them. I count that in the publicity. They got me so many customers, people went to one of their parties and got my number on the cake box.
I get tips sometimes from people that thinks I don't charge enough. But hey, I can't charge too much either! I'm between the bakery and the grocery prices. closer to the bakery prices, but still!! There are people that thinks I charge too much also. I let them go by their cakes at the grocery, and then regret not having a fresh made one!!!

I would charge a delivery fee for sure most cake decorators drive minivans anyways. Have you fed one of these monsters lately!!!!!! Most people don't think about that plus the stress that goes behind delivering a cake I can only imagine. If I bought a cake and the caterer had a delivery fee I probably wouldn't tip unless it was some very elaborate wedding cake but if she has no fee, man! at least some gas money would do.

Do other decorators get tips from their clients? Most of the people I decorate for are well-off. I deliver every cake I make. Most of my clients live 20-30 miles away ...in the city. I don't understand why people tip the pizza delivery man but not the cake decorator. Am I concerned about nothing?
I don't think this should be something you are concerned about. Tipping is voluntary (definitely not a requirement because a person is well-off) not something that is mandatory. In addition, there are some instances where tipping is considered tacky and just leaves the tipper looking like a moron. For instance, you would tip a server in a restaurant but would you even consider tipping the owner? If you are that concerned over receiving a tip it would suggest to me that you are not charging enough.

I think that it probably doesn't occur to people to tip a cake decorator, I think they probably assume if there is no separate delivery fee that the cost of delivery has been worked into the cake price (I think that if you are not doing that then you probably should). Tipping is not big here and the only place you generally see it is in a restaurant where it is starting to become more common.
What really gets me is when someone asks me "Now am I supposed to tip you?"!!! How the heck am I supposed to respond to that?!?!?!
We have a restaurant and when people ask me about tipping I say to them if you were happy with the food and service and would like to give a tip then you are welcome to however I would be more than happy if you come back and/or tell your friends. If you do this you will probably find that the repeat and extra business is worth more in the long term than a couple of bucks in tips (although I find that a lot of them end up doing both - tipping & coming back/telling their friends).

Although I only do cakes as a hobby and not my livelihood I would not think of getting or giving a tip to the decorator. I think the price of the cake should include what you have put into plus a profit of course. If you are the owner of the business then I would not tip. Most people who we tip in the restaurant business make only half or less than min wage. You have the option of seperating the bill to include delivery, cake and set up. Don't think people are stingy when they don't tip. It is not the norm to tip an owner. Charge for your services ...don't rely on someones tip to make ends meet. You would still have to claim it in taxes.
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