Red Weiner Dog

Decorating By brnbrc2 Updated 16 Jul 2006 , 12:50pm by cindy6250

brnbrc2 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
brnbrc2 Posted 14 Jul 2006 , 11:00pm
post #1 of 9

Help! I'm very new to baking cakes and I need to bake a weiner dog cake for my Dad's birthday. Can someone PLEASE help me?

8 replies
cindy6250 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
cindy6250 Posted 14 Jul 2006 , 11:11pm
post #2 of 9

Do you want to sculpt a cake to look like a dog or do you want to put a picture on top???

Doug Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Doug Posted 14 Jul 2006 , 11:16pm
post #3 of 9

a sketch for you:

use a long loaf pan for the body...OR if you don't have that, bake a 9x13, cut in half long ways and stack for body.
bake a sports ball cake for the head...OR bake two six inch rounds, glue together w/ BC and stand on edge.

bake a 9 inch to cut up for feet (round sections and long cut from it)

and for nose/mouth...their faces are so pointy...use a pointed ice cream cone (cut down if need be) could use two and cut parts of sides if you want mouth open and fill w/ icing to make tongue, teeth etc.

whole dog: cover in BC or fondant as you prefer.

ears: pieces of fondant cut and draped.

edited: some day..ya, right, sure...i'll learn how to type and spell!

vpaz24 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
vpaz24 Posted 14 Jul 2006 , 11:19pm
post #4 of 9

Doug you are so creative!!!

Doug Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Doug Posted 14 Jul 2006 , 11:22pm
post #5 of 9

last minute thoughts: to get circle for legs: round cookie cutter or trace soup can.

toes are just little square chunks sort of like half a twinkie size

(of course you could use ring-dings for circles and cut twinkies for toes)

you might want to curve the body a little to make it look more round...can do this by craving or building up w/ BC.

brightbrats Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
brightbrats Posted 14 Jul 2006 , 11:24pm
post #6 of 9

Try this web site, scroll to the bottom.I had it saved because I have a weiner dog too.

brnbrc2 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
brnbrc2 Posted 14 Jul 2006 , 11:26pm
post #7 of 9

Thank you, thank you! A wonderful idea!

Doug Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Doug Posted 16 Jul 2006 , 11:13am
post #8 of 9

by private message:

Originally Posted by cindy6250


I want to make the weiner dog cake in a couple of days and was wondering if you could give me a little more info on how to make the dog's snout. Do I use a sugar cone and just overpipe it to get the right shape? Any help is greatly appreciated!!


a sketch:

note: the top cone is trimmed off at the end to make it blunt. fill that end w/ a bit of frosting or just just cover w/ fondant. the cone has also been cut in half. top have used for top of mouth. the bottom have trimmed down even more to get the small bottom of mouth piece.

of course if this is too much trimming, could use just one full cone w/ end trimmed off to make it blunt.

first get it to stick on the might want to insert a few skewers into ball that stick out a bit and put icing on them and then put cone over a good thick bolb of icing for it to push into. if can push it slightly into cake without breaking the cake.

then yes, just pipe over the cone to get the look you want or you could cover in fondant.

the little bottom piece can just be iced into place.


cindy6250 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
cindy6250 Posted 16 Jul 2006 , 12:50pm
post #9 of 9

Thanks so much Doug for clarifying that.


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