I've tried it and it's just a basic buttercream using whole eggs rather than just the whites. It's really delicious as are all of the recipes in that book! I've had that little cookbook for probably eight years and I still refer to it for flower ideas. I especially like how detailed the instructions are and I like the icing coloring guides. You can use the buttercream for flowers, like they do in the book. They won't be as crisp and sharp as those made with royal icing or the Wilton "buttercream", but they'll still be pretty.

What is the full name of the book? I'd like to look for it on Ebay. Thanks
There are none available on eBay at the moment. When they usually go on sale, they go for about $35 - $40, this is because they are out of print. It is a reference and cookbook,not a picture book, they do have pictures in there, but few, the whole of the book has recipes from their bakery. I am trying out the buttercream recipe this week. The cakes they have on their website are beautiful
take a look
Here is a link to the book
Good luck

I believe they use a French Buttercream, which is similar to the Italian or Swiss but they use egg yolks instead of just whites.
It's richer and tastier but more difficult to work with.
I just tried it on the w/end when i made some cupcakes (they're on my website)
I started with the commercial type buttercream and finished with this one.
The taste is devine!!! As much as i can, im using this one. Even my husband that doesnt like my cakes, loved the cupcakes i made him for his birthday with this buttercream. He said, "this is definetly the best cake of yours i've tried"

the site is stunning, especially the cake on the home page in the box, although I could not find a larger image of it.... that would be one of my all time favs...... its beautiful
I love their cakes. They inspire me all the time. I have been after their book for at least 2 years!!! and i ended up just biting the bullet and paying a small fortune for it. I got it from eBay in the USA, and with shipping it cost me more than i'd like to admit.
The buttercream recipe alone was worth the money. I will try other recipes when i have time.

I have to have this book too. What they to fascinates me. I can't imagine how they do all that piping directly on the cake.

Haven't tried the the cupcake cafe buttercream, but I love RLB's classic buttercream. It also uses whole eggs. This my families favorite frosting and it is very hard not to just eat it from the bowl!
Be sure to let us know how the cupcake recipe turns out. I had a disastrous result with one recipe and promptly returned the book back to the library.

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