Cake Central Magazine is looking for Business Owners Interested in Writing!


Do you have years of experience running a bakery or cake business? We are looking for a seasoned business owner, someone who has seen it all and can give advice on all aspects starting, running, and owning a cake business for a regularly occurring section in Cake Central Magazine.

Here is what we want to know:
How many years have you been in business?
How many employees did you manage?
What is the largest or most high-profile event you have done business for?
What are some topic examples of what you would like to write about?
Do you have any professional writing experience (please include links to any newspapers/books etc)?

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Comments (3)


Hi Alyssa -

I filled in and submitted above - then got two emails back immediately: 1) thanking me and telling me I'd hear shortly 2) my submission bouncing back telling me this: ": host[] said: 550-5.1.1 The email account that you tried to reach does not exist."

Could you please confirm that you received my submission? Thank you!

Michelle Green emzeegee (at)


Hi - I run a business called CakeCoachOnline. Whilst I cannot fill in your form as above - because not active in running with staff, I am a trained business coach as well as having run my own cake decorating business from home (City & Guilds certified) and write articles for Cake Craft and Decoration as well as Cakes and Sugarcraft in the UK - on aspects of business for cake decorators. I sell my products via some UK warehouses too. I have a few online products out too to help this community - so was wondering if my experience falls into your - someone with experience category. I am on facebook - and currently working on a new online product for the cake decorators to help with pricing their cakes, marketing and selling them. Let me know if this sort of experience is something that would help your members. Kind regards, Karen MacFadyen


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