Perfect White Chocolate Ganache Frosting Perfected

After much trial and error and following other recipes with little success, I finally figured out a recipe for white chocolate ganache’ frosting that works every time. This is not for poured ganache’ , although you could probably use it that way before it sets, this is for white ganache’ to use as a frosting either under fondant or alone.


  • 1. 3 cups of white chocolate chips (either Hershey’s, Nestle’s, or the larger candy melts)
  • DO NOT SUBSTITUTE WITH ALMOND BARK. This is a big mistake….I know..I tried it.
  • Do not use shaved baker’s chocolate either. These measurements are for chocolate that is in chip form only.
  • 2. 1 cup of heavy whipping cream (not the kind in the can…the kind in the carton)
  • Do not use half & half. It will be runny.
  • 3. pinch of salt


  1. 1. Put all of the chocolate in a glass or stainless steel bowl. Do not use plastic or aluminum. They will both give your ganache’ a nasty flavor.
    2. Heat the cream and salt in a heavy saucepan until it boils–simmering is not hot enough, it must come to a boil.
    3. Pour all of the cream over the chocolate and push the chocolate down with a utensil until it is all covered by the cream. Put a lid, plate, cookie sheet etc..over the bowl and let it sit for 5 to 7 minutes.
    4. Stir it with a whisk from the inside out until no lumps remain. If the mixture still has small lumps that won’t dissolve, put the bowl in a skillet that has an inch of water in it and heat on medium high stirring the chocolate constantly until melted and smooth.
    5. Cover the chocolate with plastic wrap. Push the plastic down until it is sitting on the surface of the ganache’. Push out as many air bubbles as possible and make sure no ganache’ is exposed to the air or it will have crusty spots in it.
    6. Let the ganache’ sit overnight. It will be firm in the morning.
    7. You may use it as-is or whip it with a mixer until fluffy. Either way works well as a frosting. Whipping it makes it a little easier to spread and lightens the color.

Comments (11)


So Ive followed the recipe, and leaving it covered on the kitchen counter....tomm. how long do I whip it for to get it fluffy?


@2txmedics....It should whip up very quickly. Don't over whip it or you will end up with a weird texture. if you want to use it without whipping it, you can increase the ratio of chips to 4:1instead of 3:1. If I am using it under fondant, I use 4:1 and I don't whip it. I spread it on the cake as-is and let it set up again which only takes a couple of hours. I then brush the sides sparingly with a mixture of 1Tbs corn syrup to 2Tbs water. This allows the fondant to stick. I don't coat the top which allows me to move the fondant if needed before I start to smooth it. should refrigerate it the next day but for the first day, it should be left to set up without refrigeration. Be sure you take it out of the frig a couple of hours before use so that it comes to room temp naturally. It is impossible to spread when cold.


Hey i was just wondering, could i use this recipe a to pipe it onto cupcakes? I want the frosting to look sturdy and sharp and not collapse as with other recipe's i have tried :(


Does this ganache work well as a carving base? I would like my carved cake to have clean crisp edges that i don't seem to be able to attain with buttercream. I'm looking for a ganache that firms up more than buttercream to allow me to carve details into it.


I've never tried that but after it sets up it may work. I'd do a small cake or cupcake with it and see. The only trouble I can see that you might have is that it is quite sticky and tends to stick to the utensils which would hinder your ability to pull away from your work and make sharp edges. It can be done with a hot (not wet) knife and works well though.


Does it work in any kind of weather? I have a wedding this Saturday. It will be Aroun the mid to upper 80's. I want to use something that will help me get sharp edges so I'm thinking about trying this ganache. 


You may have already used Ghirardelli with this and found out that it doesn't work. I've had some crazy password problems and have been unable to log in for a few months because I just got tired of messing with the password change. It just kept sending me in circles. Anyway, I love Ghirardelli chocolate but the chips are terrible for ganache. The white and the dark just don't come out right. I don't use them when making white-chocolate fondant either. 


Just to answer the question about leaving it overnight in the fridge to cool it down(since nobody else has answered). Its better not to. I have found that putting it in the fridge before it cools, results in formation of lumps. I have used many different brands and have found the same result. 

But to cool it fast you can put it in the fridge and stir occasionally to avoid lumps. Every 20 mins or so. I have done so when in a pinch.