Fondant Portrait Tutorial

Shawna McGreevy of McGreevy Cakes (smcakes) was one of 100 cakemakers to pay tribute to filmmaker Tim Burton on his 55th birthday with a one-of-a-kind, Burton-inspired cake. Her fondant portrait of Julia Hoffman from Burton’s film Dark Shadows is a masterpiece worthy of a museum wall.

Follow Shawna as she demonstrates step-by-step how to create a fondant portrait that will jump off your cake!

Comments (10)


Watching you create this gorgeous image (especially in hi speed!!) was such fun! When you added the black, she jumped out. In the movie, she said "every year I grow older & less attractive" Barnabas (John Depp) replies "than you must have been the most beautiful creature of all time..." words to that affect.. You did her dark beauty justice. Thanks, and congrats on an amazing job!!!