Cake Decorator MJTKNT


MJTKNT's Cake Photos view more

  • Paisley Cake, Round 2 Paisley cake, round two. Chocolate cake with oreo cookies 'n' cream filling. The only change was that I lightened the colors of...
  • Gender Reveal Cake Gender reveal cake. The couple had the ultra sound tech write down the baby's sex and seal it in an envelope. I was given the...
  • Transformer Birthday Cake Root beer float cake for a 6 year old. Optimus Prime and Bumblebee were hand cut from fondant (as were flames and stripes), otherwise the...
  • Dr. Seuss Birthday Cake Neopolitan cake made up this two tier Dr. Seuss cake, themed with The Lorax and Green eggs and Ham.
  • Flowers And Bees Shower Cake Strawberry cake with strawberry and cheesecake filling made up this shower cake for my cousin. The flowers and bees were to coordinate with...
  • Button Cake Button cake for a first birthday. White cake with chocolate mousse filling.
  • Baby Cupcakes Crying, sleeping, happy, and sad babies make these cupcakes super cute for a shower! White cake with cheesecake filling, decorated in...
  • Stack Of Books Baby Shower Book themed baby shower. Flavors were red velvet cake and caramel apple cake.
  • Fall Wedding Three tier 14, 10, 6" square wedding cake. The bottom tier is red velvet with white chocolate cheesecake filling, and the top two are...
  • Sweet Pea Baby Shower Tall pink and green baby shower cake. My friend asked for a pink and green cake that didn't look like a "girls cake" since...
  • Sports Themed Cupcakes Cupcakes for my little monkey's second birthday. Chocolate cupcakes with peanut butter filling and peanut butter buttercream, and...
  • Fox Graduation Cake This was for a family friend's daughter's 8th grade graduation. Her favorite animal is a fox, so they wanted a fox cake. Started...
  • 1976 Ford Bronco Half Cab A 1976 Ford Bronco Half Cab cake was all the birthday guy asked for, and all he received. Chocolate cake with cheesecake and chocolate...

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