Cake Decorator mamaricky


mamaricky's Cake Photos view more

  • Pooh A Birthday cake for a little boy's 1th birthday. The whole party is going to be in a Winnie the Pooh theme, and so does the cake. Pooh...
  • Ladybug A handmade ladybug of fondant. The cake is filled with lemoncurd en buttercream.
  • Pooh And Friends In 100-Acre-Wood For a little boy's 1th birthday. Filled with strawberryjelly and whipped cream.
  • Silver And White Wedding The Happy Couple wanted me to make a cake in White and Silver, with a handmade bride and groom. Well, I guess I did rather nice...
  • Little Cook For a friend of the family, who takes classes to become a real chef.
  • Stars A christening cake for a girl called "Sterre", which, translated in English, means "Stars".
  • Bucking Horse!! The couple wanted their weddingcard at the cake. They never imagined I would do it in 3D!
  • 1 Year Of Marriage
  • Hello Kitty
  • Bas&kim I made this weddingcake for my brother and his wife. Their 3 cats are on it as well. It was a surprise for my sister-in-law, and she was...
  • Madison I made this cake for my little niece Madison. It was a lot of work, but I did it with a lot of love!
  • Moonlight This cake was for a contest at T&T in Holland. The theme was "Rozengeur en maneschijn", which means as much as "...

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