Cake Decorator tarascupcakes


tarascupcakes's Cake Photos view more

  • Backyardigans 2 Tier Cake All gumpaste figurines. My slide broke, but I was able to save enough to make it work.
  • Creepy Halloween Cupcakes These were so fun! I usually do "cutesy" cupcakes and cakes for Halloween, but the request was for weird and scary. The skulls I...
  • 3 Tier Hexagon Baby Shower Cake The theme was "Around the Clock" for the baby shower. All iconic items that are used/needed with a new baby. This was a spinoff...
  • New England Patriots Cake There is an inspiration cake, but I am not sure of the original caker as the customer sent me the pic.
  • Mini Purses And Shoes This was the LAST time, someone didn't pay me their balance!!!!!! Long, horrible story. It was heart-breaking to do all this work for...
  • Batman Superhero Cake And Cupcakes This was a great trade I did with a fellow photographer. She came a month earlier and photographed my daughter's 3rd Bday party and I...
  • Strawberry Shortcake 2 Tier Cake I used edible images for the characters.
  • 2 Tier Shabby Chic Cake For another wonderful, repeat customers, who basically designs all her cakes and I simply execute!
  • Princess Tiara Pillow Cake For a very loyal, repeat customer.
  • Dr. Suess Baby Fish, Two Fish....
  • Nostalgic Gumball Machine Cake The "glass bowl" was a plastic fish bowl I found at a Pet Store for $5. Gumballs were purchased at Party City. I didn't...
  • Fairy & Unicorn Cake Gumpaste figurines. Wings were made with gelatin and the gelatin sheets.
  • Wedding Cupcake Tower - Purple Gumpaste Flowers This was 144 cupcakes. 6" cake on top iced with purple cream cheese icing and gumpaste floral bouquet on top.

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