Cake Decorator yer_1fantasy


yer_1fantasy's Cake Photos view more

  • Baby Farie In Flowers Granddaughters 1st Birthday Cake, hand painted flowers and mushrooms. All made of gum paste, my first attempt. Farie is tucked behind a...
  • Puttin The Lime In The Coconut And Shaken All Up One cake is key lime with key lime frosting and the other is coconut.
  • Bridal Shower Cake, The Brides And Guests Tiers came in to long, but we used them....first time bridal cake
  • Light At The End Of The Tunnel I used a doll cake pan with the cone to make the tunnel effect, using a flashing light found in local hobby store to make the light (...
  • Bri's 3Rd Birthday: Faries, Tink Once Upon a time Cake with Tink, per my granddaughter request.....a Tink cake
  • Bri's Waterfall Diego I made this one for my granddaughters 2nd birthday, she loves to watch Dora and Diego.

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